Tuesday 15 July 2014

A few months ago you might remember a post called 'What's In My Mums MakeUp Bag'. That went down really well with you guys so I decided to continue the theme.

My Dad travels a lot for work so he isn't home often but I managed to catch him quickly before he headed off again to discuss his beauty, sorry grooming routine.
what beauty products my dad uses
Growing up Dad gave me some useful beauty advice such as - "Don't brush your teeth in the kitchen", "Your face is orange today" and "You've got a little moustache growing there, Kia". All tips taken on board, thanks Dad. Saying that, my Dad has always supported my keen interest in beauty. I remember him bringing home a beauty tip book for me when I was about 11. It came with hair mascara and lip gloss and I would follow the tips religiously.

From driving me to my first job to teaching me how to drive to introducing me to great music, my Dad has always been there for me. When it comes to grooming he is very, very minimal. I've tried to change him, forcing new creams and lotions into his routine. I mean, what good is it having a beauty blogger daughter if she can't pass on some product recommendations? He's not really the kind of guy to treat himself to beauty products. He will occasionally pick up a new cologne from Duty Free but most days he'll make do with hotel freebies and his everyday essentials.
There is no faffing about when it comes to my Dad's grooming routine. He'll shower everyday using the Nivea Creme Coconut body wash. Shower gel-wise he doesn't have any preference simply "whatever is on offer". My Dad spent 25 years in the Army where his life was very regimented and was ordered to shower in under 3 minutes. This means no messing about, he'll use soap to wash his face and to wash his hair too - the BlueBeard Revenge Soap For Blokes is a firm favourite. This beefy bar of soap creates a thick lather and leaves a fresh, manly scent on the skin for hours. He swears by his Mach 3 razor because "It lasts forever, doesn't cut my skin and has really sharp blades". Post-shower moisturiser is usually a forgotten step; when he remembers he'll rub on some Nivea Creme which is probably about 2-3 times a month. Alternatively, he uses Vaseline everyday to stop his lips from drying out. Dad's go-to scent is Old Spice, he told me not to say that but doesn't everyone's Dad use it? I asked him why he liked it and he said because "It's nice", I tried to prompt a more detailed response and got "It's spicey"

My Dad is all about products that smell nice, work and are affordable - it's as simple as that. What beauty advice have you learnt from your Dad? 



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