Sunday 13 July 2014

Considering I'm a beauty blogger I'm pretty lazy at most beauty stuff. I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my bad beauty habits so you can have a chuckle at my beauty sins. It's about to get real nasty.

Not Washing My Brushes
They saw you should wash your make up brushes every week - ain't nobody got time for that. I'm guilty of not washing mine often enough. Honestly, it's more like once a month but nothing beats using a freshly washed brush.
Picking/Squeezing Spots
I'am one of those people who can't just leave a spot alone. If there is a spot the size of a small child on my chin I'm going to have to do something about that. I squeeze white heads (sorry) and I pick them when they're healing (double sorry). Any tips for leaving spots alone?
Messing with Split Ends
I wish I didn't get spilt ends but sadly I do. My hair is naturally dry and is also bleached so it's prone to breakage. If I'm bored I'll just sit there looking for split ends, picking, snipping, pulling at them - someone stop me!
Hairy Legs
When it's comes to shaving my legs I'm ashamed to admit I won't do it if I don't need to. This results in yeti-esque, fluffy pins hidden behind jeans most of the time. I just find shaving so boring and time consuming. Although I'am trying laser hair removal at the minute so that will hopefully solve the problem!
Skipping Moisturiser 
I'll always moisturise my face twice a day but my body? It's such a faff and I can't usually be bothered so it normally get's done once a week. I keep body lotion in my bathroom so I can do it post shower but I just want to get straight into my pj's. There are some get ways to moisture if you're a bit CBA like me which I wrote about here.

I hope this makes you feel better about your beauty bad habits, leave yours in the comments below! I also use old make up, curl my lashes after applying mascara and leave nail varnish on my toes until it wears away - don't think i'll be a brand ambassador any time soon. 

p.s Want to try out the New Dove Purely Pampering Body Oil before it launches nationwide? I'm giving away 5 sets here!



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