Sunday 20 July 2014

Top UK beauty blogs
What is the best beauty advice you've ever heard? Was it some words of wisdom from your Mum? Did you learn from your big sisters mistakes? Maybe it was something you saw on Pinterest? Whatever it is, I want to know.

The best beauty advice I can give you is to do more of what makes you happy. Whether that be wearing bright lipstick, an indulgent pamper evening or being bare-faced do it now, like right now. Anything that perks you up and gives you an inner boost of confidence instantly makes you feel and look beautiful.

My mum's beauty tip would be to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. My nan would say don't over pluck your brows. My Dad would say to get more fresh air. And my Granddad would say get that rouge off your face, Kia.

So, leave your beauty advice in the comments below so we can all share our tips and tricks!



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