Saturday 11 May 2013

*All products were sent to me for testing and review, completely complimentary, from Glitter Mix Boutique. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I am ecstatic to share this post with you today. It is Part 1 of a review for the Glitter Mix Boutique. Glitter Mix Boutique is part of You Mix, owned and operated by husband and wife team: Dustin and Amber. Nearly every polish you see me make has at least one glitter from You Mix! Literally, You Mix helped me start Spellbound Nails. So I just had to help out when Amber contacted me for an honest review of their new glitter mixes. In this post I will simply introduce you to the glitter I received; there will be in-depth reviews of them in my upcoming posts.

I was stunned to see not just glitter mixes but 4 packs of teal and two of red holo!

I can never have enough teal in my glitter collection so seeing 2 packs of hex and 2 packs of square was awesome!

I don't think I've seen a more beautiful red! And if you saw the new releases to my shop you'll have seen these holo glitters in use. They were the 'strawberries' in Strawberry Mousse. :)

Now on to the whole point of this post: the MIXES! I was really excited opening this package to see which ones I received. I couldn't be happier!

First up is Rainbow Matte. It is all square glitter in .025. I'm reminded of the squares of a Candy Land board. It's so bright and fun!

Next is Pink Lemonade. This one is a mix of squares and hexes in yellow, hot pink, light pink and I think I'm seeing some frosty white in there too. Besides the beautiful mix of color, I think the best part is the variety of sizes! It's such an interesting mix.

I'm sure everyone has their favorite and this is mine! Rainbow Graffiti is stunning in my opinion. It's such a simple mix of rainbow and black and white, but they really look amazing together! There are hex and square from big to small and some black and white bar glitters too.

Last but not least is Edgy in Pastel. I posted a few preview pics over on my Facebook Page and this was definitely a favorite. Light pastels still manage to shine in a sea of black. It's so unexpected, and I have no idea how it works, but it does!!!

Be sure to check out their new Etsy Shop, Glitter Mix Boutique, for more gorgeous glitter mixes. You can also find them on Facebook and their original glitter site You Mix.

Etsy Shop:
Facebook Page:
You Mix:

*All products were sent to me for testing and review, completely complimentary, from Glitter Mix Boutique. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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