Monday 21 July 2014

I started writing this blog in 2011 and haven't looked back since. It has become part of my everyday life and it's rare I switch off from it all. I love what I do. This is my little corner of the internet where I get to talk to like-minded beauty-obsessed people and offer some helpful (I hope!) advice. Now I'm coming into my fourth year of writing Make Me Up I wanted to share with you some blogging tips I've learnt over the years. This doesn't just apply to new bloggers but I've noticed a influx of new blogs lately so I wanted to offer some advice.

- Firstly, write about things you enjoy. Sounds pretty standard but if you're not excited about the posts you're writing, don't publish them. I see a lot of monthly favourite posts which just aren't for me, I don't enjoy writing them but that's just me!
- Don't obsess over stats; It can get you down and make you feel like not blogging. Everyone goes through quiet stages where not much traffic comes in. If you're checking your stats 3-4 times a day I encourage you not to look at them for a week. As long as you're happy with the content you're creating, your views are sure to perk up soon. Also, don't worry about followers - we all started with zero.
- You have the freedom to write about whatever you want, it's your blog. You gave your cat a bath at the weekend and what to share some funny photos? Do it.
- This year is the year I got organised and I wish I'd done it sooner. Get a notebook and plan posts, join Hootsuite and schedule your tweets. This will make blogging a lot easier, especially if you're juggling your blog with work/school/college.
- If you're ever unsure what to write about have a couple of backup posts you can publish on those uninspired days. I recently wrote 22 blog ideas if you are looking for some inspiration!
- Get involved in the community, we're quite nice people. Talking to others is my favourite part of blogging. Take part in twitter chats such as #BBloggers, #FBLchat and #BloggersDoItBetter. Comment on posts you love, share things you've enjoyed or email bloggers and tell them why you like reading their blog!
- There really are no rules when it comes to blogging just do more of what makes you happy.
- Be proud of your blog and the content you're creating.

I hope you found this post helpful. Why not spread the love and share it with others if you did!
what are your tips for new bloggers?
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Other blogging tips you might find useful:
22 Blog Post Ideas
15 Tips For Blogging Everyday



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