Saturday 24 September 2011

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Hello :) hope you are all having a lovely weekend. It is surprisingly sunny where I live today so I have been catching up on the vitamin D. Tonight I will be getting cosy in front of the T.V and watching Doctor who - love it! Next week I am attending my first ever blogger event, aahhh! Will blog about that :) Anyway I'll stop rambling now...

This is my make up collection; not all of it mind. Some of it is in my bedroom/bathroom/handbag/car/bit of everywhere really. But this is where I go to do my make up, it's right next to a window because I think it's important to do make up in natural light. The desk was an old computer desk & I'm thinking of upgrading it to a proper dressing table. 

Most of the products seem to be foundations, it's my mission in life to find the ultimate one! I love applying foundation as it completely changes your face. I also like mascara's too. I don't have one trusty mascara i'll always turn too - I normally use a couple together. The three sided mirror is great & helps avoid any make up mishaps you might miss. 

I love having a nosey at other peoples storage/make up collections so let me know if you have done a post like this! If you would like my thought's on any of the products you see,just let me know :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

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