Sunday 15 June 2014

Going out into the world completely make up free scares me. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that but being bare faced makes me feel vulnerable. I'm not as confident but more importantly I'm not as happy. Aint nobody got  time for that.
I know for some reading, you don't have this problem. Some of my friends my age don't really enjoy wearing make up and only wear it on special occasions. The main reason I wear make up is so that I feel better about myself, good make up empowers me. With a red lip I feel like I can achieve anything. I would never rock up to work sans make up. I don't think I'd look as professional, is that bad? This leads me onto another question I have - Do people treat you better when you wear make up? A topic for another #BeautyDebate I think..

I want to know your thoughts on this weeks #BeautyDebate...



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