Sunday 29 June 2014

For this week's Beauty Debate I wanted to discuss a topic which is very important to me - makeup. I feel like depending on how little or how much makeup I'm wearing, people treat me differently. If I go out bare-faced I'm guaranteed to get those you look tired/ill/hungover comments. I was born looking tired so I don't find them offensive but they do knock my confidence. I know that usually these less flattering comments are made out of concern for my well-being so I try not to take them to heart.

Thanks for social media it's seems young people nowadays are more susceptible to public criticism on the way they look. I've noticed this especially with fellow bloggers. This has resulted in a culture which is highly concerned with having the perfect appearance.

The truth is, not only do people treat me differently when I wear makeup, I feel differently. Sans concealer I feel less confident. Makeup has become my armour and I almost feel braver with a face of makeup. The right red lipstick can boost my confidence and makes me feel happier. People have such strong reactions to beauty - is this a bad thing though? When I wear a full face of makeup people seem to notice me more and I get more attention which makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't wear makeup to get attention from strangers. I wear makeup to please myself and not others.

Here's what you lovely lot had to say on twitter.
Have you found people treat you better when you wear makeup? Catch up on previous Beauty Debate topics here



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