Thursday 10 May 2012

'ello, Girlies! It's been a really busy week. I've barely had time to do my nails let alone post anything. But that's why I'm here now, isn't it? To post something!

Today's post is a mani I absolutely adore, but am very sad about. I'll explain in a moment. For now, gaze upon the awesomeness.

I was going to do this mani using my nails studs right up until it came time to add them and I panicked. It just didn't feel right. The hearts were a last minute decision but worked so much better.

Think you've seen this mani before? Well, you just might have if you follow MixedMama! I honestly had no idea that I was doing an almost exact replica of another blogger's work. And I would have posted this with no idea if I hadn't stumbled across a picture of her mani while tagging the Bite the Bullet nails on my Facebook page. I was absolutely stunned and completely crushed to know this design was already done, but I guess that's the way nail art goes. You win some and you lose some.

I would also like to lay some credit at the feet of ProfessionalDQ over on Youtube. I first got the idea of bowed skulls there.

So, if you don't follow MixedMama or haven't watched some of ProfessionalDQ's nail art in action I definitely recommend heading over there next. :)

Polish Used

  • Borghese - Brilliante
  • LA Colors - White (2 coats)
  • OPI - Strawberry Margarita (2 coats over white)
  • Sinful Colors - Beautiful Girl (bow)
  • LA Colors - Black
  • Sally Hansen - Insta-Dri

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