Sunday 27 May 2012

I would like to direct your attention to the right of your screen. Scroll down and view the new 'Blogs I Read' feature I finally got around to installing. Yay!! If you don't see yourself there ... well, don't feel bad. I haven't gotten around to adding all the blogs I read yet. However, if you don't think I've had a chance to view your blog yet and you want to be added to the list, I'm giving you the chance to leave a link in the comments section now! *poke, poke* Go on, do it now!! There is no need to add my blog to your own list or post about it anywhere. It would be nice, but it's not something you have to do to get added to mine.

Onto other new features. I've also taken the time to add a translation button powered by Google which can also be found to the right of your screen. There is also a Search bar now that will allow you to search my posts, also to the right. Direct your eyes thataway. --->

I have one more thing to mention. I'm looking for Guest Bloggers to help round out my posts in the coming months. I'll be going on vacation in August for a full week, and I'll be looking for one blogger to keep my blog active that week with two-four posts so I can completely relax without worry! I want to get the hang of Guest posts by then.  If you are open to being a Guest Blogger I ask that you send me an email instead of posting in the comments. You can find my email in the Contact Me section. Tell me about yourself and your blog(s), the types of things you post about, if you have done any guest posting before, and include a link to your blog.


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