Friday 9 May 2014

I'm forever on the hunt for that perfect mascara and love testing out new ones. The latest one to land on my desk is from mineral makeup brand Sheer Cover. These unusual Lash Extending Fibres claim to give you the longest lashes you never thought were possible and is developed with ground-breaking lash-lengthening technology.
To use you apply the Lash Lengthening mascara first then whilst that is still wet follow with a coat of the Lash Extending Fibers. Lastly, finish off with another coat of mascara taking care not to remove the fibers. The fibers are a little weird, they remind me of cotton wool a little bit. The mascara used alone works really well. It's bamboo and olive extracts help to strengthen and hydrate lashes.

Anyway back to the important stuff; does it actually work? I can say my lashes looked longer after using these two products. It does take some practice and works best when you're not in a rush but you do get good results! I'd recommend this if you have short lashes and normal mascara's aren't doing anything for you. If you're blessed with longer lashes I'd skip this and go for false eyelashes instead.

The Sheer Cover Lash Lengthening Mascara* and Lash Extending Fibers* are available online here.

Have you tired any lash extending fibers before?


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