Monday 5 May 2014

Foundation shopping is hard. Really hard. I find a foundation, try it for a few weeks and become convinced I've found 'the one' only to find out after a while I've discovered it's flaws and become disheartened with its performance. Before you know it, I am back down the make up aisle of Boots once again looking for a newer, even better replacement. The most recent break-up was with the Maybelliene Better Skin foundation which I'm still umming and arrring about.

There have been many hopefuls but I just can't commit to repurchasing. What if there is something better out there - that's the question that's always on my mind. Maybe I should try this new one/this one on offer/this one because it looks pretty.

I don't know why I'm so fussy. If you've found that foundation you're going to spend the rest of your life with I admire your commitment and bravery. I'd love to know which one you really love, if you don't mind sharing. 

Will I ever be satisfied by one foundation? The hunt continues...


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