Monday 27 February 2012

Hello my lovely readers! I feel like I'm really late with my posting. It's been such a busy week and I've gone through my polish pretty quickly. I have this post and two others, and the polish I have on now is starting to show wear on the tips. But that just means more posts for you to read!

That said, I'm so excited! This blog has hit 20 (+1) followers. I never expected so many of you!! In honor of that number I've decided to do a giveaway. I already have the prizes ... bought by me with my limited funds�I just hope they're good enough to show the depths of my appreciation. Now I just have to figure out how hosting a giveaway works. I'll have it put together and posted soon!! I have high hopes to one day have great prizes, random giveaways, and lots more for milestone follower numbers. Be on the lookout in the next few days for your chance to enter.

Now, onto the post. This was inspired by a Pinterest pin. I clicked the wrong thing before I could repin and the page reloaded. Sadly, I can't for the life of me find the picture again. I did a few searches but nothing. However, a google search brought up Reverse Rockabilly by The Daily Nail. The picture isn't the one I saw on Pinterest but the design is near exact. I feel I have to give credit somewhere so it goes to The Daily Nail. :)

I only managed to get one good picture of these nails completed. I have really got to finish making my light-box; I hate my pictures being at the mercy of Mother Nature. I did manage to get two pictures while I was working on them though that I'm willing to share.

Look at that mess! Not so pretty while I work on them, are they?

I was feeling extremely shaky the day I did these; so much so that I actually dropped my nail polish brush/cap and splattered gold all over my keyboard. That has certainly never happened before. I just didn't trust myself with a nail art brush; I was already imagining the absolute horror if I attempted it, so I just used my stamper and the leopard print image plate (Salon Express plate SE11). I'm really beginning to love stamping. I prefer to hand paint but it's great for those days when my hands are shaking too badly for detail work.

Here they are before I added the pearls. I went shopping with my sister that day and we got some sunlight while driving. Of course, I spent no time enjoying this little ray of sunshine. I used this break in cloud cover simply for picture taking. I have such a one track mind! Don't you love it? :)

Polish Used
Funky Fingers - Platinum Record
China Glaze - Poinsettia
LA Colors - BCC 585 (Black)

*Pearls bought from the Born Pretty Store. Definitely worth at least a browse through.

  • Also, check out the new additions I added today. There are now Facebook like buttons below every post and if you look to the top left you will now see buttons to both follow me on Twitter and one to like my Facebook page. You can also look up at the top and find the new page additions�About Me, Contact Me, and my Disclosure. Take a moment to read them if you have time. :)

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