Friday 17 February 2012

Morning & HAPPY FRIDAY! While reading through my comments I noticed a mani request from Mel, and since I didn't have a mani in mind already, I decided to give it a go. She asked for something in pink and brown, and here is what I did. Oh and Mel, feel special, I must confess that Jack, my husband, designed the mani for you, lol. He asked what I was looking for, while standing in front of my stash, and I told him your request. Well, he went right to work, haha. Not only did he choose the colors, but also the image. So we both hope you like it!

I started with 2 coats of OPI You Don't Know Jacques!

Then using China Glaze Admire & my Mash plate M63, I ended up with this :)

PS: If you have sent me an email, and I haven't responded yet, I am soooooo sorry. I still have a few hundred to go through and hope to be caught up soon. I promise I will get back to you. It was just that while I was going through my bad time, I didn't open my email at all, and now that I have, it's a tad full. 

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