Thursday 23 February 2012

Woah there, fake tan doesn't have to look fake. You can look naturally tanned without looking too 'essex'. I don't wear fake tan all the time, but I feel better with darker skin! England isn't the sunniest country & it's much healthier then a real tan.
Fake tan swatches same order as products below 
(that's my leg, encase you were wondering!)

Fake Tan Disasters...
One of my favourite things about blogging is sharing my beauty related experiences with you. My first encounter with fake tan was at the age of 11. Sounds really young but i've always been interested in cosmetics! Sneaking a bottle of mum's fake tan from the bathroom, I applied it on to my face wondering why my skin wasn't getting any darker. Several attempts later i gave up and put the bottle back. 

Monday morning i woke up only to find out the fake tan had developed and my face resembled the shade of a carrot. I went to school that day and denied any fake tan rumours  & tried my best to hide my orange stained hands. Ok, so it wasn't as bad as Ross's spray tan experience in Friends - But it was highy embarrassing & I stayed well away from fake tan for years after. 

A few of my favourites....
All i want from a fake tan is for it to look natural and to smell nice. These little beauties do just that. *LINKS*
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Have a lovely week!

So do you prefer you tans porcelain or are you a fake tan fan? 

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