Sunday 25 May 2014

Soaking in an indulgent bubble bath with a new magazine in a candle lit bathroom; relaxing all your senses in preparation for some serious me-time. Or maybe a steaming shower spent singing along to Radio 1 is your idea of pamper perfection? Do you like to stew in a bath or do you prefer to jump in the shower?

I have to say I'm more of a shower person. It's quicker, uses less water and I love using refreshing shower gels. That's not to say I don't like the occasional bath. When I want a proper pamper I'll spend an hour in the bath until my fingers look like cocktail sausages and I have the whole family banging on the bathroom door (sorry guys).

I asked on twitter which you prefer, here's what some of you said! Thank you all for your tweets!

So, are you a bath or a shower person? 

#BeautyDebate it a fancy new feature i'll be posting about every Sunday. It's a place where we can chat about a beauty topic each week, some weeks will be controversial topics and others will be light-hearted like this one! Let me know if there is a particular topic you would like to see discussed. :) 

Next Sunday's #BeautyDebate | What Is Pretty To You?



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