Wednesday 14 May 2014

Hello lovelies! I have nail art to share!! It's been awhile, I know, but I'm really trying to do my nails more often. I call this one Aloha Baby and it is entered in Sally Hansen's #iHeartNailArt contest. This month's theme is Color Destinations, and I really think this saran wrap mani with birds, a palm tree, and Aloha on the thumb really fits the theme. If you like this design, think it fits the theme, and have a few minutes I would really appreciate a vote on the Sally Hansen website. Just follow this link and click the vote button at the top of the picture.

To do this mani I started with a base of 2 coats white. Once that was completely dry I used crumpled saran wrap to dab Sally Hansen Blue-Away across all my nails. While it was still wet I used another piece of crumpled saran wrap to dab my nails with Sally Hansen Snappy Sorbet; this made sure that the colors blended in places. It's not necessary but I went back over my nails again with both colors to get the coverage I wanted. I added a top coat and allowed them to dry completely before using the black Sally Hansen nail art pen to draw the birds, palm tree, and to write Aloha across my thumb. I had a little trouble on the palm tree; the polish came out of the pen a little too quickly so the tree ended up thicker than I would have liked (but is at least still shaped like a palm tree) but was perfect for the other designs. This was seriously the easiest time I've ever had writing on my nails!! Just remember to keep the pressure light and if you start to see things getting too thick swipe the tip of the pen across a piece of paper to get the excess polish off and continue drawing.

Until next time,
? Ashley

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