Monday 4 June 2012

Hello, hope you're all okay!
I'm not the tidiest person but i do like pretty storage, especially when it comes to beauty products. For my GSCE final project in D.T i made a tall pink bookcase to neatly store my ever growing collection of cosmetics, nearly 3 years on & i still use it! Today I am going to show you 3 different ways to store your nail polish. I love seeing how other people store things so i hope you find this helpful!
This is a Roo nail polish roll. It's a really practical way to store my nail polish. It can store up to 14 polishes and come in 9 different colours. This is ideal for anyone wanting to keep their polishes in a safe and secure place. Next time I am travelling anywhere & want to take some nail polish, i'll be using this!
 Boxes and baskets are a good way of storing nail polish neatly. I've just ordered these ones from Argos for my toiletries! The only dilemma with this idea is that it's hard to see what colour the nail polish is without picking it up. I've tried to solve this by painting the nail polish onto some sellotape, then sticking it to the lid. This technique does work and i find it really helpful.
Lastly, I keep some nail polishes in this glass jar, it looks pretty on my dressing table and you can see all the polishes stored in it clearly. It reminds me of a jar of sweets! You can pick one of these up in the kitchen section of most supermarkets & they are around �5.

 That's all the ways I store my nail polish, you could also vamp up a spice rack & display your polishes on that! There are so many ways, have fun with it! If your in the UK i hope you're having a good bank holiday and let me know your thoughts on these storage ideas :) x

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