Monday 15 April 2013

You might not know this about me but i love travelling(even though i've not really travelled). I'm actually studying it at the moment in college. I'm so nosey i love looking at other people's holiday photos. I've just got back from a 4 day holiday so here are some pictures from my mini break to Ibiza last week cause i don't like to keep you guys out of the blue and you might be nosey like me! This was my first ever holiday without parents, i went with a couple of friends from college. It was nice not to have parents constantly nagging me - 'have you put sun cream on your nose, put your hat on, how much water have you drank today'....I guess they know best, I'm now at home recovering from heat rash and sunburn. Sorry mum. 
I'd recommend Ibiza if you want a girly break. The flight from the UK is about 2 hours, the beaches are amazing, weather was around 20 degrees and the locals seem really friendly. Visit in April if your not really into clubbing as the night life start May - October.
Do you enjoy these sort of travel posts? I'm off to Dubai on Wednesday so let me know if you'd like to see some pictures when i get back. Also, let me know if you have any holiday questions! 

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