Wednesday 10 April 2013

Ever feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it? I feel like that a lot lately. It's the reason for all the late night posts. I just can't seem to get ahead, but I am really grateful not to be behind! I would feel 100 times worse if I was behind. So, today's post is another Time Periods Challenge mani. We're on Ancient Greece now.

Time Periods Ancient Greece Greek wave ocean Poseidon Spellbound Nails nail art challenge mani manicure polish sea god mosaic sequins glequins blue Sephora by OPI Read My Palm Revlon Waterfall

I decided on a Greek wave mosaic. Like the Greek fret, the ocean-like wave pattern was very common. Another common feature in Ancient Greek art was the pebble mosaics. It was something the Greeks pretty much perfected.

I used a base of Revlon Waterfall and then created the waves with Sephora by OPI Read My Palm. Once the waves were completed I started layering blue/green sequins over them, using clear polish to attach them when my base color dried. This is a design that will take a while as each sequin has to be added one at a time so that they touch or even overlap a little.

With thing heating up around here there are a few things I forgot.

Things I forgot over winter:
  • The heat causes my polish to bubble as it dries
  • The heat slows dry time, meaning I can't get away with rushing to add a second coat.
  • A fan too close while I'm doing my nails causes the polish to dry out quickly on the brush turning it thick and tacky.
  • The heat sometimes causes my fingers to swell, which means I'm not as dexterous as I need to be for both painting my nails and for taking pictures ... especially for taking pictures.

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