I must confess, I am such a NERD when it comes to the Hunger Games, and so is Jack. We are going, along with my mom, to the midnight showing when it comes out, and I can't wait! I've always refused to go to one of those showings, but for this, I will, and even take the next day off. When I heard China Glaze was doing a collection for it, I HAD to buy them, but sadly, I decided not to get them all. Yeah, they are pretty, but IMO nothing hugely unique or must haves. So China Glaze, had this not been a Hunger Games collection, I wouldn't have purchased any :( Although I will say, that having almost 1500 polishes, makes it hard to find really unique ones now.
Anyways, here are the 8 that I purchased :) I also did a coat of Luxe & Lush from the collection over them all except one, because I simply forgot :( Sorry. Luxe & Lush is representing District 1.
District 3 - Riveting

Anyways, here are the 8 that I purchased :) I also did a coat of Luxe & Lush from the collection over them all except one, because I simply forgot :( Sorry. Luxe & Lush is representing District 1.
District 3 - Riveting
District 11 - Agro
District 6 - Fast Track
District 9 - Harvest Moon
District 12 - Smoke & Ashes. This is my least favorite of them all. I just feel like I've seen it done sooo many times. Sure there is some blue and green shimmer in it, but it cannot be seen from afar. Come on, it's Katniss & Peeta's home district, I expected something with so much more wow than this. How about a dark charcoal color with bright red/orange visible shimmer? (can you tell I'm a tad disappointed , lol)
District 2 - Stone Cold. Now, this one I actually may have purchased without it being a Hunger Games polish, simply because it's a matte, and you all know, I just can't resist them. So I also tried it with a topcoat and Luxe & Lush as well.
District 5 - Electrify. This is the one that I forgot to add Luxe & Lush, and I apologize. I am though, happily blaming Jack for distracting me :)
and now, for my HUGE FAIL. See, I also blame Jack for this :) While I was happily swatching these polishes for you, he decided to text me mid polish wipe!!! IKR, how dare him. Anyways since it was so unexpected, I jumped, and elbowed Harvest Moon right off the arm of the couch, and she went on by herself to make some type of modern art on the carpet!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never in my life made such a mess. Thank goodness Jack wasn't mad even though I had just majorly ruined our carpet. At least it is in the corner, and under our end table. (wonders if I can contact China Glaze and have them replace our carpet, since I also semi blame them, lol)
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