Thursday 1 March 2012

So good morning guys!! I had a minor relapse in the anxiety department, but thank goodness it didn't' last long, and I'm not even sure what happened. I swear I woke up one morning, and I couldn't even imagine opening my blog, it made my heart beat fast, and the panic sunk in, but it passed, whew. I have also been really busy. I even made an eye appointment, which I needed to do for months!!! Last weekend my neighbors had their Mardi Gras party, and it was a blast. Here are Jack and I, please ignore his out of place pink hair extensions, and glow necklaces, lol. I'm not sure what party he thought he was going to (sigh)
Here is a little FF, fun fact, the whole night of the festivities, I couldn't see a damn thing, lol. I was out of contacts and there was no way my mask was fitting on if I wore my glasses, and I have horrible vision!! So, it might have been a good thing jack had on his glow necklace, because I always knew where he was :)

and here are the kids. My daughter, Chloe, is the Peacock :)

Okay, well I'll show you my NOTD finally, lol.
I started with a base of Sinful Black on Black and then added a MUST have polish, IMO, Cover Girl Perplexed. Hope you guys like pictures, because well.....I took a ton.  I couldn't help it, there are so many sides to this polish! When I was reorganizing my stash, I discovered I have a couple of back ups of this one, lol. I never saw these in stores, and every time I ordered something off of, I would throw one in my cart just because it was so cheap and beautiful :) Oh, I just checked their site, and it is currently out of stock, hopefully they will get more in.

Okay, do you seriously see all those colors???? Well, I wore that all day yesterday, and then last night I did some stamping over it. I used my Bundle Monster plate BM-221 and Konad special polish in black :) 

See, I told you I took a lot of pictures :P

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