Tuesday 6 March 2012

I know this topic is quite controversial. If companies like to send samples out to bloggers in exchange for a review that is honest, i don't see a problem. I don't execpt every PR sample because somethings I think my readers wont be intrested. I try to only accept products which will appeal to my readers and which I think will benefit my blog. I do not expect companies to send me products and am flattered when a company does. I think it's very sad that some people might be persuaded to blog purely for the freebies. Blogging takes more time than people think

Blogging for me is a hobbie and something I enjoy doing when I have some spare time on my hands. I don't take it to seriously but I love it! The samples and invites i get are brilliant, but if they stopped tomorrow my blog would keep going.

There are some blogs I don't like reading because I feel their reviews aren't honest. However I love it when blogs get sent products before they are launched so i get to read opinions before buying! 

I feel bad about writing negative reviews on products I've been sent as they've gone to a lot of effort to send me a product to try. Normally if i don't particularly like a product it either goes to the back of my shelf or to my mum! However, I've decided as long as i don't say 'This product will make your face drop off' (unless it does) giving an honest review of why something didn't work for you is fine. Just because a product doesn't work for you doesn't mean if won't work for someone else. And it's also good constructive criticism for the company. 

I also know that over 50% of my readership is coming from direct traffic or search engines, so i'm guessing that these people don't have a beauty blog. A lot of my visitors are reliaing on a honest product review before buying a product. I would hate to think you guys spent your money on a product because there were no negative reviews. Just because i might get sent a product doesn't make me better then anyone else & i don't want it to alienate myself from my readers that currently don't get sent samples. Enough rambling Kia, here are some products that haven't worked for me - 

Nailene Ultra Tabs �2.59
I was sent these along with some Nailene false nails, which are great! These tabs are used instead of false nail glue. They are really easy to apply and don't cause any mess however they are not strong enough at all! The packaging cheekly says UP TO 5 days guaranteed wear & some fell of after a couples of hours! Didn't last five days so would only recommend this if you just wanted false nails for an evening. 

CornSilk in Original Satin �8.16
I'd heard a lot of good things about CornSilk powder so was really excited to test it out. I like the vintage packaging, but the product it's self just isn't very good. The powder is really rough making it quite difficult to pick up any product. It also smells quite strongly of talc - making it feel like a old fashioned out of date product, shame!

Lulu Operation Glam Modelling Hair Spray �7.25
I don't normally use hairspray as I hate the crispiness they can sometimes leave your hair feeling. I tried this after curling my hair to set the style in place. During the night my scalp felt really itchy. Unsure of what it was, i used the hairspray a few more times & each time my head itched - something you don't want for a haircare product! 

Trilogy Purifying Mask �18.50
Trilogy is a brand I hadn't tried out before but always wanted too. Love their packaging, looks nice in the bathroom cabinet! I tried out this face mask in the hope it would leave my skin clear; this didn't happen. I've never hand a bad reaction to a product before using it. After taking it of my skin I was left with red blotches over my face. I tired it again a few days later to make sure it was the face mask that irritated my skin  & the same result happened again. Not sure what caused this, maybe the raw ingredients? 

MakeBelieve Enhance Shimmer Lip Gloss �10
I'm a big fan of MakeBelieve fake tan so couldn't wait to try out some things from their make up collection. I like the box packaging the lip gloss came in but the gloss it's self came in a really cheap looking tube. It reminds me of the sort of product you get free in a teen magazine. The product it's self is okay - just not worth �10! 

Collection 2000 Hot Rocks in 46 Fruit Loop �1.79
Ok, bit cheeky for me to sneak this one in as I brought it my self! I'm sure you can tell by the photo above my problem with this nail varnish. I love the colour but I just can't use it because of the dogdy brush. The moral of this story is to check your nail varnish before buying, I have a few other Collection 2000 nail varnishes & they are all fine. 
Natural Collection Cream Blusher �1.99
Brought this product my self after wanting to test out a cream blusher. Lovely colour but only lasted around an hour before disappearing of my skin! Instead i think i'm going to use this as a sort of lip cream. Even though it's only a cheap product I do wish it was better. 

 I do think a bad review it just as/even more helpful than a good review. I like to write about controversial blog topics & I've not come across a post like this before. The brands featured above know how I got on with the products sent to me. What are your thought on pr samples and bad product reviews? Enjoy the rest of your week :) xx

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