Sunday 30 December 2012

I've seen a lot of 'best products of 2012' posts popping up on my dashboard this week. I've enjoyed reading them & did my own version last year. This year i fancied doing something a bit different; instead of rounding up my favourite picks from the past year i wanted to choose just one product that was the best product of 2012.

It was really tricky to choose only one product! I wanted it to be something i use almost daily, something i've discovered this year and something that causes me to have a mini breakdown when it runs out.

After a morning of rummaging through my products, i stumbled across the chosen one. I hadn't even thought about this as it's something i pick up everyday to use. I first discovered it in May this year & i think my hunt for the perfect mascara has ended. My ultimate beauty product of 2012 is...

Benefit They're Real Mascara, i just love the way it makes my lashes look! It retails for a hefty �18.50 but i won't have to spend any more money testing out other mascara's. I find this really does what it says box & couldn't really ask for more from a mascara. My MUA undressed palette came a close second!

 So, now you know what my ultimate beauty product of 2012 is, i want to know what yours would be?! Maybe it's a fragrance, lip blam, hair's so hard to just choose one thing!

Below I've tagged five bloggers to give this tag a go.
Sandra from The Black Pearl blog
Becky from Beckys Makeup
Corrie from Dizzy Brunette3
Sophia from Tattooed Tea Lady
Estee from Essiebutton

If your reading this i want you to do the tag too :) tweet me with a link when it's up - @kiamakemeup

Happy New Year! Hope you had a good 2012, make 2013 the best.year.ever. :) x


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