Wednesday 18 July 2012

The 3rd post in 'A Week of Glitter' isn't exactly a glitter. It's a shimmer, but I figure that still qualifies for this week since it adds a sparkle to any outfit.

This is Sinful Colors Cinderella. I looked everywhere for this when it first came out and only just now found it in a 'brand new' display. I hate living in a small town for this reason.

Cinderella lived up to my, admittedly small, expectations. I can't say it really impressed me ... but then I wasn't expecting it to. While I adore this shade of baby blue, it's not one of the colors I can wear well.

I also found the beautiful pink shimmer you could see so clearly in the bottle got a bit lost on the nail unless you looked very closely. However, I used 4 coats to get Cinderella opaque so that might have something to do with the lost shimmer. I know other bloggers raved about the shimmer and their pictures showed it much more than my own.

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