Sunday 23 February 2014

It's not often I splurge out on a highend product and when I do it's normally after wanting it for a year and reading 1000's of reviews. I'd read numourous good reviews of Boing concealer and i'm forever on the hunt for products to hide my hereditary dark circles so I decided to purchase this.

I like the simple, no fuss packaging. The solid concealer feels powdery at first but quickly warms up when using your fingers. I find this the best way to apply as it helps to blend. I've been trying this under my eyes and it does help to camouflage dark circles but not as much as I'd hoped. It's very similar to the Seventeen Phwoar Concealer which I normally use. I don't find this too cakey but it can tend to crease. The lightest shade (01) suits my skintone. I'd recommend this to those with minor dark circles and blemishes but avoid if you have dry skin and very dark circles!

For �17.50 you get 3g of product, which will last you a long time. Would I repurchasing again? No, I was kind of expecting it to be better for the price I paid. I'll be sticking to my highstreet duo of Seventeen Phwoar Paint and Collection Lasting Perfecion for now!

Have you tried Benefit Bo-ing before, what did you think?

Tuesday 18 February 2014

If you know me in real life you'll know just how much I love a good bargain. Before buying anything I'll shop around for the best deal. ' My Beauty Compare' is the first beauty price comparison website where you can compare prices before spending your hard earned cash. No need to waste time visiting each website as My Beauty Compare finds you the best deal.

Not only a money saving website, you can also create your own profile which allows the site to match products to specially suit your skintype/hair/diet. There are plenty of unbiased products reviews and video tutorials for you to indulge in too. With over 1,500 products from brands such as Bobbi Brown & Max Factor there's plenty of products to ogle over.
Enough from me, why don't you check it out yourself? Visit My Beauty Compare here  and start comparing the prices of your fav beauty buys! Keep up to date with all thing beauty on the Beauty Compare twitter account here

*collaboration post, opinions are my own.

Sunday 16 February 2014

I'm a little late posting but my weekends are usually really busy. Still, better late than never right? This post covers not just my Valentine's Day nail art but also my V-Day outfit. :)

I have no significant other this year so I went out for dinner with family. I felt a little pathetic but we had fun and ate some good food. We left early so it wasn't really dinnertime and beat the crowd. However, this meant I had very little time to get ready and do my nails so I went really simple. I used 3 quick coats of My Own Sweet Valentine scented rose and added a holographic heart as an accent. Those of you who have bought my nail polish will recognize this as the heart that goes on your bottle's cap. It worked perfectly and didn't crinkle or pull up when I added a layer of top coat!

All simpleness aside I think my favorite part of this mani was the way it glowed in the dark.

Now for the outfit part of this post. While attempting to take a simple outfit pic my Labrador, Shiloh, kept wandering into the shot. She usually hates pictures so I really couldn't resist snapping a few while she was so willing. :)

I'll start with my outfit so you can wander off afterwards ... though I'm going to believe you're evil if you don't want to see my cute pup. :p

The top and polka dot jeggings are from Boscov's. Both I managed to pick up on sale. The jeggings just last weekend for about $5 (originally $40!!). The cami is from Walmart, and my much beloved boots are from Zulily.

So, what did you wear for Valentine's Day (outfit, nails or both)?

Friday 14 February 2014

When you think of Valentines day, roses come to mind. I won't be receiving any roses this year but these rose scented beauty products will make up for it! I know rose isn't for everyone, it's often associated with old ladies, maybe these products will sway you...

Ted Baker Body Wash* �5.50
I'm a shower kinda girl. Not only does this body wash look gorgeous in my shower, it also smells divine. A romantic blend of rose, sandalwood, raspberry and vanilla makes this delicately sweet scent a must-have for rose lovers. 

Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist* �16.50
In my eyes Jurlique is the brand to go to for rose scented products. The latest edition to my collection is this Balancing Mist which aims to refresh, hydrate and soften. The mist is housed is a beautiful white glass bottle. I like to use this after cleansing or if my skin is feeling dry after cleansing. 

Especially Escada Elixir Eau de Parfum �28.99 30ml 
A rose-based fragrance housed in a pretty pink bottle. The intense scent is a unique blend of precious ingredients sourced around the world. Base notes of white musk, dry amber and Madagascar vanilla mute the initial sweetness of the fragrance leaving behind a sophisticated, musky scent. 

Chloe Eau de Parfum �41.50 30ml 
As expected from the luxe fashion house the fragrance is encased in a gorgeous glass bottle. A classic rose scent which is distinctive and powerful without being sickly - definitely love at first sniff.

LUSH Turkish Delight Shower Smoothie �16.25 200g 
This thick creamy cleanser may be a bit pricey but a little bit goes a long way. The preservative-free wash is packed full of damask roses as well as cocoa butter and almond oil to leave skin super soft.

Reading blogs has become a normality for me, I do it everyday and I bloomin' love it. I feel sorry for those who don't read blogs or watch youtube as there are so many talented girls and guys out there - people are missing out! It's been a while since I shared some love, here are just a few blogs I've been adoring lately...

Thrifty skies

Hope this has given you some new reading material. I definitely don't express my love enough for fellow bloggers, I've now added a blog roll which i'll be updating soon! 

p.s Happy Valentines Day :) 

Sunday 9 February 2014

As soon as Christmas finished it seemed shops couldn't get out their valentines stock quick enough. Giant teddies, soppy cards and red roses make me feel quite sick frankly. For us singles, v day can be a bit 'meh'. But it doesn't have to be that way, who says you need to be in a relationship to celebrate on Friday 14th? Why should your loved up friends get showered with gifts just because they've found someone?
This year things are going to change.

I want you to treat yourself on valentines day, buy something you've wanted for ages. It doesn't have to be anything big, it could just be that mascara you've wanted to try out for ages or some fancy new underwear - whatever will make you feel happy. I've been lusting after some cult beauty products for well over a year now and decided to treat myself to them this week. Currently loving Benefit's Bo-ing concealer and Soap & Glory's Archery pen!

You don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to celebrate valentines day, a little treat will do nicely.

What are you thinking of treating yourself too this Valentines day? 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The winner of the Valentine's Day Scarf Giveaway has been chosen and has accepted her prize. So congratulations to ...

*drum roll*


Take a moment and wish Petra a congrats.

And don't be sad if you didn't win because I'm already planning another giveaway, so stick around.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

I hate spots. They always seem to pop up just before a big event i.e first date, school photo or just somewhere where they'll be cameras. I say enough is enough, it time to win this blemish battle with these spot fighting treatments that actually work. Here are four products which help to stop spots for good. Yeah, how do you like me now you pesky things.

Boots Skin Clear Rapid Action Spot gel �3.33 (LINK)
This clear gel claims to be clinically proven to reduce the size of spots in just two hours. It's quite hard to put a time limit on how quickly this works as I use this overnight, however when I wake up my spots appear smaller and also redness is reduced. I only use this at night time as when it dries it looks a bit like your skin is peeling - not a good look! 
Miaroma 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil �4.19 (LINK)
You can pick up tea tree oil from most shops nowadays. This is a good alternative from treatment gels if you wanted to try something with more natural ingredients. I apply a bit of this to a cotton bud a gently dap it on any blemishes. This is great for the day as it's not visible once applied. 
Good Things Stop That Spot �4.99 (LINK)
This product really does aim to do exactly what it says on the tin. This anti-bacterial gel contains active extracts of papaya, acai and willow bark to help diminish breakouts. You just need to dap a small amount of this on the affected area and leave it to do its thing! I find this very gentle on the skin and would suit those with sensitive-prone complexions.
Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot* �9.35 (LINK)
The formula is enriched with hyaluronic and salicylic acid which is well known for its spot fighting properties. After applying the clear gel I can feel it getting to work immediately as there's a slight tingling sensation at first. This product does quickly get to work and completely disappears spots in three days.

Now you've stopped those spots, how do you get rid of scarring? I'd love to hear you suggestion so I can try them out!