Friday 29 March 2013

1.mobbing Cara delevingne and kate moss at louis vuitton PFW 2. visiting disneyland paris 3. panoramic of the louvre museum 4. love lock bridge 5. my breakfast (and lunch and tea) everyday 6. souvenir tees 7. sephora in paris 8. french soliders at the eiffiel tower 9. another cara pap 10. view from top of the effiel tower. 

About three weeks ago now i spent four days in Paris with some friends from college. I've never been to France before but Paris is just one of those cities you MUST visit. I recommend visiting the Eiffel Tower at night, taking a boat cruise along the river Seine and seeing the Mona Lisa. Above are just a few holidays snaps i wanted to share with you after some of you lovely lot said you wanted to see them! Paris is a very beautiful city but if you are travelling by metro be warned- it bloody stinks.

Have you been to Paris before? x

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