Sunday 24 March 2013

Hello lovelies :) We've all been through it. There comes a time when most of us lose our blogging mojo. It can happen out of the blue, one month your happily posting, filling the pages of your blog with tons of content then whoops you lost it - just like that. Let me guess, your not a full-time blogger. If like me, blogging is just a hobby of yours. It can be hard to find the time to post let alone what to post about. But do not worry, I've written some tips on how to get your blogging mojo back and some ideas to get inspired by.

If you've become bored of your usual posts i've come up with a few blog post ideas for inspiration. I found it helps looking through magazines and seeing what they write about. Looking at the top posts on sites like Bloglovin and Hellocotton can also give you ideas on what to write about too.

How to/tutorial posts
I love reading tutorials and learning how to create new looks. Think what you could post about, hair,nails, skincare,make up... Some ideas could include How to get bigger hair, how to make teeth whiter, how to fake tan, celebrity inspired make up tutorials, on-trend nail art looks etc...

Skincare post ideas
  • Anit-ageing skincare
  • Smooth skin(hair removal products/techniques)
  • What sun protection should you be wearing?
  • How to prepare skin for summer
  • Natural/organic skincare products
  • How to disguise beauty problems ( dark circles, spots, wrinkles, dull skin, dry skin)
  • Favourite hand and nail products(manicure routine)
  • Skincare products for different age groups
  • Night time beauty tips (what products do you recommend?)
  • Super foods for your skin
  • Do beauty supplements really work?
  • DIY beauty( face mask, body scrub recipe)
  • What's your pamper routine (create a home spa)
Make up post ideas
  • Festival make up looks
  • Gym make up tips and products
  • Spring/Summer beauty trends
  • Holiday beauty products (beach make up)
  • Brands that don't test on animals
  • Party make up looks
  • Celebrity inspired tutorial
  • Top three favourites (concealers, foundation, lipsticks etc...)
Other beauty post ideas
  • Share your beauty story ( what got you into beauty products?)
  • Iconic beauty products
  • Products that didn't live up to the hype
  • Blog photography tips and tricks
  • Do you work in the beauty industry? Share your story
  • Your mum's/nan's favourite beauty products
  • Male grooming
  • Favourite oral care products
  • Your top beauty appliances
  • What products to buy if your on a budget
  • Beauty trends from abroad

If you really just can't be arsed to blog then the best thing to do is take a break. Plan a day out with friends, visit relatives, go anything! A month or two away will be good for you, you'll come back refreshed and feeling (hopefully) happier about blogging.

It's easy to think why bother blogging when no one reads it anyway. Maybe your page stats are down or no one's been commenting lately. Think of ways to get people reading again and to introduce new followers. Maybe comment on posts you enjoy reading, join in with the weekly #bbloggers chat on twitter or take a look at my post on 'how to have a successful blog.' Also, ask your readers what they enjoy reading or would like to see more of.

Or why not change things up a bit, if you normally blog about beauty products why not post your favourite cake recipe or if you normally blog about fashion chuck in some lifestyle posts. Why not, it's your blog!

Share some of your favourite blog posts from the month, dedicate a  post to your favourite blogger(they'll be chuffed!) or re-post some of your old posts as chances are your newest followers haven't read them before!

I follow around 60+ blogs, if all of them posted frequently i'd miss out on loads of posts as i just wouldn't have the time to read them all! At the end of the day you shouldn't have to feel guilty or pressure for not blogging or taking a break. What makes a great blog isn't how often the person posts but the quality of the ones they do.
Seriously, don't worry about it and keep up the good work - whenever the hell you feel like it :)

What are your tips for getting your blogging mojo back? If you found this helpful, use the widget below to share it with fellow bloggers!



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