Monday 7 January 2013

New year, new start. I welcomed 2013 with a swim in the sea. You can't tell from the photo above it was chilly but i can assure you it was so COLD! In 2012 i don't remember setting any resolutions but i really want to this year. Here they are....

- Do yoga 3 times a week 
I already do yoga a little bit but i'd love for it to become a regular thing. I've just discovered a yoga app on my tv so i've got no excuse now!
- Learn a water sport
I've lived near the sea nearly all my life and apart from canoeing a few times i don't have a lot of water sport experience. I would like to learn a new skill, i'm thinking maybe paddle boarding?!
- Eat healthier
Classic resolution but it has to be done. If you follow me on twitter you'll know just how much junk i eat.
- Travel more
I love travelling and definitely want to go abroad more this year, i keep checking for late deals!
- Take Moonie to the next level(whatever it is!)
If your not sure what Moonie is - it's my own business, click on the link above & prepare to be flabbergasted...

I didn't want to go crazy and write loads of goals, i've only chosen a few in the hope i'm more likely to achieve them!

I'd love to hear what you resolutions are this year :)



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