Monday 28 January 2013

I'm always trying to find new blogs to follow, new content to read, and new things to inspire me. So, while browsing, when I saw this post by My Beautiful, Crazy Life I knew I had to join. I also knew I had to share it with you!!

Have you ever read a blog post and wanted nothing more than to share it on your own blog? You may remember that I tried something like this before. Sadly, there was a lot of hype around that time about image theft and what one blogger was allowed to post of another blogger's work, even with proper credit given, so my posts were discontinued. However, I would love to try this again � in a slightly different way, of course.

This linkup is being hosted by My Beautiful, Crazy Life and Mrs. Monologues. I think it's the perfect way to give deserving bloggers some love and additional traffic. Who doesn't love having their blog shared or the content they worked so hard on getting a little bit of extra, well-deserved credit?

So, starting Friday, February 1st, and every Friday after, take the posts you loved or that inspired you from that week and share them with your followers. Scream about them from the rooftops if you feel the need. :)

As written by My Beautiful, Crazy Life: I encourage you to construct your posts however you want. Feel free to make it fancy or even show us images because we all love visuals, but the main objective is to share the love of your favorite posts.

Also, remember to grab the button above and include it in your post if you decide to participate. 

I will definitely try to include at least one nail related post each Friday, but that's not all the blogs I read. I love beauty blogs in general, fashion, health and fitness, and FOOD!!! So you'll definitely see a little bit of everything in my Friday posts.

Will you be participating? Will you be looking forward to my Friday posts? Here's your chance to share your blogs with me, share a friend's blog, or even just a blog you love that you think deserves some love. Post your links in the comments! :)



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