Thursday 10 November 2011

Dry,dull and tired skin is all to familiar for me at this time of year; thanks to the cold weather and central heating that causes havoc to my skincare routine. I have put together some products that have been tested and specially selected by me. I don't want it to seem like a 'look what i've got' sort of post. I am doing this because it is something I would be interested in reading & because I not only want my blog to be enjoyable, I want it to be helpful. 

Burt's Bees Orange & Mango Sugar Scrub �12.99
I have so much love for this right now. This exfoliater not only smells BEAUTIFUl, it leaves my skin feeling soft and looking radiant. Because it contains sugar, you can control how harsh you want the product to be by adding water to dissolve it. I know �12.99 may sound a little pricey, but I find the scrub also leaves my skin feeling hydrated - so no need to fork out on a moisturiser too! Big fan of Burt's Bees product this month, will be dedicating a post to a few more of their things soon.
He-Shi Face and Body Tanning Gel �17.50
I do quite like a bit of fake tan, especially in the winter. So when I was offered to review this product I couldn't say no! This is the first fake tan I have seen that is advertised for both men and women to use. I've also never come across a gel fake tan AND I've never tried an instant one. So it was all a bit new to me; I apply this using a tanning mitt (very good one from 99p store) to avoid staining on my hands. A pro, but also a con of the product is that it drys quickly. So no need to wait around before dressing. However, this does mean you have to be quite quick when apply it. The finish is natural as you can see from the product demonstration below. P.s after taking these photographs, I really liked how the fake tan looked and put blogging on hold whilst I did a full body tan! View their site here.
Philosophy Hope in a Jar �34
This daily moisturiser is perfect for dry skin. I was sent this product and was shocked to find out how much it costs! I have been trailing this for a week now and will keep you updated on the progress. But so far I'm liking it, I have a feeling it would be to heavy for me in the summer. Available from John Lewis.

Murine Bright & Moist eyes and Dry & Tired Eyes �4.07
Don't neglect those peepers! They can suffer from the winter months too. But luckily for us, help is on hand with these eye drops from Murine. Available from Boots and Superdrug. TV presenter Emma Willis, who has amazing eyes, is a big fan of these eye drops! For more adive on their products, check out their website here

Liz Earle Brightening Treatment Mask �13.50
This face mask is perfect for winter because it contains witch hazel, which helps to brighten and tone skin. Perfect for when you need a quick pick me up as you only need to leave it on for 30 seconds! View more Liz Earle products here.

I Love... Raspberry and Black Berry Hand lotion �1.99
I Can't stand dry hands! This hand lotion does the job nicely. It leaves my hands soft and smelling delicious! They come in a range of different flavours too which I can't wait to try out! Such a bargain and perfect handbag size product. Available from Superdrug.

LP Refining Lip Exfoliator �20.00
This product has made an appearance on my blog before. I just really love it's uniqueness & I've not seen anything similar to this. Chapped lips are such a big problem for me in the winter, and this product is a lifesaver! It contains waxy prills formed from jojoba oil; these help improve texture and hydrate lips. Dr Linda Popadopoulos's range is pricey, but she knows her stuff and her overnight cream is one of my favourite skincare products! Check out her things here.

Nip + Fab Dark Circle Fix �15.95
This is my favourite under eye gel for puffiness. I love the texture and way this feels when applied. I use patting motions to get the most out of this product. It also claims to fight premature ageing and reduce dark circles. I can't see it making any difference to my hereditary dark circles but it works wonders on my eye bags. View their product here.

Liz Earle Superskin Concentrate �38.75
Liz Earle's products come out on top again. I use this as a face oil when my skin is really dry. Because it's quite a heavy product, I use this before bed. It feels lovely and smells even better. The aromatic plant oils leave me feeling relaxed and my skin looking soft and hydrated the next morning!

Madara ecoface Organic Deep Replenishing Cream �25
At a first glance, I thought this moisteriser was really small. Then I compared it to my Liz Earle one & they were they same size. This claims it is for all skintypes however I felt it was a bit to heavy for my normal/combination skin. But I would recommend this if you suffer from dry skin. Not only is this good for your skin, it is good for the enviroment because of it's organic ingredients. Including plant vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, bioflavonoids. View their Range here.

Phew, you made it to the end - well done! There are a lot of product above for you to have a look at. I've tried to include a variety of products to cater for different budgets. If you are thinking of buying something expensive; see if you can get a sample first, read some blog reviews and ask your friends if they own it already! Have a lovely week, friday tomorrow! xx

*Sorry picture quality isn't fab, photo's were taken at night! Also changed my blog header (again) x

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