Friday 29 April 2011

Future Queen Kate stuck to her statement Kohl eye liner on the big day, adding pink blusher to the apples of her cheeks & a sweep of pink lipstick to match. I have a feeling she used mineral powder foundation to combat the HD TV dilemma! It has also been rumoured that she used Lancome's waterproof hypnose mascara. For the eyes she has used a dark colour all over the eye lid and blended it into the crease using a soft light brown. Well done to Kate for doing her own make up!

Let's not forget the nails! 

katy perry also getting into the spirit, tweeting a picture of her royal nails with pictures of will & kate printed on them!

Would anyone be interested in seeing a tutorial of this make up look? Comment below :) 

Monday 25 April 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easterrrrr!

anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? I don't have anything planned so will probs be eating chocolate, sunbathing & watching films! 

  1. My sister's attempt at making hot cross buns, they looked like jacket potatoes!
  2. My fav chocolate :)
  3. Went to London for a bit of shopping, didn't but anything typical me!
  4. In the cath kidson shop. So nice in there!!
have nice bank holiday :) x

Friday 22 April 2011

blusher is definitely one of my must have beauty products. Here is my guide :) from brushes to application - enjoy!

different types:


 powder comes in two forms; pressed & loose. It is best applied using a brush. When using a brush never dab the bristles head - on as it can create a hole in the middle of your brush. Place the brush flat on your cheek, brushing towards your hair line and then back again. Always tap off the excess before applying it the face. If you find you've been a bit heavy handed and put too much blusher on go over the top with translucent powder.

Liqid blusher will normally come with it's own brush. It is best applied with fingers as it dry's really quickly. The colour is usually a lot brighter than a powdered blusher & It is quite difficult to blend.

Cream or Gel blushers gives a natural finish and like liquid blusher you can also use it on your lips. Blend it with your fingers or a foundation brush.


Angled blusher brush
this brush is good as it wont leave any sharp edges because the longer end trails and softens the line. 

Powder brush
the bigger the brush the less control you'll have of where the product will go on your face.

Blusher brush
this is my favourite brush to apply powdered blusher as it's just the right size.

Foundation brush
you could use this to help you apply cream blusher.

I hope you found this helpful! Any suggestions to what next essential guide should be on?

three bank holidays this month, yes please! Is anyone excited for the wedding? 

White Union Jack Print Sleeveless Tank Top

topshop have gone all patriotic on us;
Union Jack Bunting Shopper BagWhite Flag Bunting Ankle Socks

I can't wait to see what kate's dress will look like! And how is she going to have her hair & make up?

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Monday 18 April 2011

E-SHOPI have been debating whether to do this feature on Givenchy's exciting new d�mesure mascara or sudocrem's new packaging. I want my blog to be about affordable products for people that don't intend on spending a fourtune on make up.

That is why Aprils 'Oooo have you seen that...' is all about this beauty.

Sudocrem isn't just for babies any more, It also works as a spot cream; recommended by Cheryl Cole and also moisturises dry skin. 

How is this product any better than the tub?

  • it is more hygienic 
  • easier to apply - no more sudocrem in your nails!
  • compact - i'd rather have this in my pocket
  • not as messy
So the product is excatly the same, just the packaging has changed. I'm surprised they didn't do it sooner.
I will definitely be buying this, it is a life saver when it comes to dealing with my spots! Has anyone else tried sudocrem?

Sunday 17 April 2011

i first saw this on Shirley's blog :) & thought i'd have a go at it! No ipads or anything to impress you with! Just normal handbag things :)

what are your handbag essentials?

Saturday 16 April 2011

did a little bit of shopping this morn! Nothing extremely exciting, I also wanted to say a BIG hello to all my new followers :) & hello to all my oldies too!

i always feel like wearing brighter nail varnish when the weather get's warmer :)
Popped into boots and saw an offer in the collection 2000 section - free hot looks nail varnish when you spend 4 pounds or more, I brought the lasting perfection concealer in shade 2 which was 4.19 and picked up some nail varnish. I'd heard a lot of good things about this concealer, I can do a review on this if anyone would like! 

I'm thinking of dedicating a day of the week to write a post with a beauty tip on it, so different tip every week - what do you think?

some exciting things coming up on my blog soon! x

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Product placements is where the company pay the TV programme, celebrity or channel to advertise their product. I first noticed this on ' This Morning' where at the beginning,end and after every ad break a 'P' would appear. I'm not to sure if I'm a fan of this, it sounds like false advertising to me. I wanted to post about this as it also happens in the blogger community too. Bloggers often receive products from company's to review on their blog. Becka wrote a brilliant post on this issue which you can read here.

Plenty of Fish
britney spears

It is widely used in music video's. The most recent one is for Britney Spear's hold it against me. Not only advertising her own perfume but also, Sony, Plenty of fish and Make up forever. 

Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me - Commercials
'hold it against me'

Avril Lavigne had a go at it too in her latest video advertising her line of clothing and perfume. It's not at all obviously when the camera zooms in for a close up of the product!
Katy Perry 'Hot and Cold'
US dating website 'plenty of fish' has appeared
in numerous music video's including 3OH!3, Flo Rida, Ke$ha(above picture),Britney Spears and Lady GaGa.

Flo Rida 'available'

Do these company's think were stupid? Here is some more information on product placement Are you more liking to go and buy a product because you've seen it being used in a music video?

Sunday 10 April 2011

I've always loved reading this feature on Daisy Butter and Dainty Dresses, so i have been inspired to start my own one! Hopefully it will get more interesting then this :L but hey ho :) welcome to my first week in pictures...

  • Do I really need to point out how lovely the weather has been this week? This was the temperature in my conservatory, roasting :)
  • Went to see the wanted with my bestie on Saturday. They were AMAZING! I managed to get a picture with them, they were all really nice!
  • I've now broken up for easter so I went to the beach with my fam. Got a little sunburnt,in April, crazy!

Thursday 7 April 2011

AAH! I actually can not wait for this :) Watch out boots! It launches in May and for every pound spent you receive two points. Superdrug have been busy re-vamping their shops too, pictures were taken by make up artist's ruby & millie and post on their twitter -!/RubyandMillie


Is anyone else excited about this? 

Wednesday 6 April 2011

nails inc have brought out some special royal wedding nail varnishes! One red and one cream, with jewel encrusted tops inspired by that ring and also the union jack. At 15 pounds each will you be splurging out? If you like the colours but not the price, here are some alternatives for you, 
Grey suede

 Lambada 60

Friday 1 April 2011

This month i caught up with becka to find out what trends are floating her boat this spring and why she wont be heading to new look any time soon.With her beautifully put together wish lists and sunday style posts, it's like having your own online personal shopper!

What's the most you've ever spent on an item of clothing?
The most i've spent on an item of clothing is probably �180 for my Uggs. Although I think my prom dress was around that as well but that doesn't really count does it? 

Most used make up brands?
The brands I use the  most are Bourjois for foundation, Maybelliene for Mascara [the pink and green one] and Benefit for their box-o-powders. 

best and worst high street shops?
This is a tricky one as it completely depends on how successful my shopping trip was. At the moment, my favourite shop is probably H&M because it is full of beautiful Spring/Summer clothes at affordable prices. My least favourite at the moment is New Look as I think their prices are starting to get a little to expensive and the staff in my local one are so rude.  

Do you have a can't live without product/item of clothing?
I couldn't live without foundation as I just don't feel comfortable bare faced. And clothing wise? Probably skinny jeans or a body con skirt. They seem to be my uniform if you like.

what are you investing in the spring/summer?
I shall be investing in pastel colours, florals, sheer blouses and denim shorts. Anything girly. 

could you recommend three of your favourite blogs? 

BIG thank you to Becka for taking part :)
If you are interested  and would like to be interviewed just leave a comment below! x