Tuesday 11 September 2012

Yep another 'How much is your face worth' tag - I've seen a few of these lately! I have never done a tag on here before but it's been really interesting to see how much people are willing to spend on make up. I've seen some crazy prices from �300 to under �50. Hoping all mine comes to under �100!

MAC Pro Longwear - �24.00
GOSH concealer - �4.99
MAC Select moisturecover - �14.50
MUA Undressed Palette - �4
Benefit They're Real* - �18.50
MUA Lip Boom in Doin good* - �4
Collection Shimmer Shade in Blushalious & Way-To-Glow - �3.99 each

TOTAL - �77.97

Phew. I can cope with that amount. I spend the most on my foundation because I think it's important to get the base right. My mascara is VERY expensive but I love it and probably will purchase it when it dries out. I don't wear lipstick everyday, sometimes I'll just use a lip balm. If I don't want a full face on I'll pop on some mascara & a bit of concealer. I use two concealers because my under-eye dark circles are quite bad! The Undressed Palette is brilliant, the shades are so pretty & neutral - in the photo above I'm just wearing the lightest shade all over my lid. I've missed out highlighter as I only wear it once or twice a week; but my go to one is Benefit Sunbeam. Just lately, I've had the urge to but loads of new make up! Maybe because of the new season and new make up trends? I haven't bought anything yet but let me know what you've been loving lately ;)

Would love to know how much your face is worth?!

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