Monday 9 January 2012

I know, who am I to give you blogging tips? But since my Shout interview I've had a lot of emails from girls wanting to start their own blog. So, as promised I've wrote some hints & tips that have helped me over the past year. 

How to get more blog followers
Remember, everyone starts with 0 followers. So keep calm and carry on blogging. Readers want to see good blog posts before they start following. Keep your GFC follow button in a easy to find position. Alternatively if you don't have many follows - hide it. So people aren't put off following you. Don't compare the number of followers you have to other bloggers, you don't know how they got their's or how long it took them. Maybe they follow back everyone that follows them? I hate to say it but there is no magic way to gain more followers, don't let it get to you; it's just a number. Maybe some of your followers don't have a google account & your blog is saved to their favourites? That's what I did at first! Twitter has definitely helped me to get more readers. 

Also, just because you have a few followers it doesn't mean you have a bad blog. It's just undiscovered. 

Twitter & Facebook
These are two of the most popular social networking sites that can help you to expand your blog. My followers have doubled since getting twitter - it is a must have! It also allows you to join in with discussions. #bbloggers is a special beauty blogger hashtag. If you search this on twitter or include it in a status more people will see it. Make sure you post photo's on these accounts, people always respond well! Update regularly, interact with your followers and don't moan all the time - easy!

How to get more page views

propably one of the easiest wasys to get more pages views is to comment on other similar blogs. Most bloggers will return the favour & may even fall in love with your whilst they stop by.

Add the 'Link Within' Widget
I've recently just got this, but it's a great way of new and old readers to discover your other blog posts more easily. You can see it at the bottom of each post. Just click the link if you want to add it to your blog.

I prefer blogs that take there own photo's rather then copying & pasting images they've found online. Did you know if you rename your photo, it appears in image searches more easily. For example a photo called - 'DS34905' can be changed to what the image is, 'Revlon Lipstick Swatch'. As a result more page views!

Join Bloglovin
I find gaining followers on here can be a bit slow, but it does bring in more pages views. Worth joining as it's another space on the internet people can discover your blog & follow you. 

Blogging Inspiration

It can be difficult thinking of something to write about. Being a blogger you go through different phases. Sometimes you want to blog everyday & have loads to write about. Other days, you haven't the foggiest what to post & can't get the motivation to blog. Maybe some of you reading can relate to this! If you lose your blogging mojo here are some tips on how to get it back! Read a magazine that includes information about your blog topic, visit bloglovin to see what post's are popular and look through some of your favourite blogs to see what post's they did a year ago.

Under Pressure
So you've read tons of posts about the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser or the new Sleek Eyeshadow palette - this doesn't mean you have to go out and buy it, swatch it, take photos, review it... Just because people are blogging about these products doesn't mean you need to! Also, blog when you want and when you have time too. Some people blog daily (how do you do it?!) but for most of us, blogging is our hobby and we have to fit it around our busy lives. 

Best Time and Day to Blog
If your with Blogger, there may be similar settings on other platforms, you can view you stats over days, hours, weeks and months. If you've been blogging for a while you will be able to notice a pattern. You will be able to see what day & time you get the most views. This information might help you decide what days to post on. I think on mine popular times are 7 & 8pm. 

What if no one reads my blog?
A lot of people share this worry, but it's not the end of the world if no one reads you blog! People will find your blog and read it, if they don't they probably weren't cool enough anyway.

At the end of the day it's just blogging, don't take it to seriously and don't let it take over your personal life!

This is everything I can think of right now, but i'm sure i'll learn more & there are a few things I've missed out but i will update this & please ask any questions below. Also, I'd love to hear any of your tips. Hope you found this helpful! x

*WOAH THERE, Make Me Up has been long listed  in the Marie Claire Blog & Twitter Awards. You beautiful people. You can vote for me in the 'Beauty Blog of the year' bit here (only if you want to!). I thought they had put my blog in by mistake at first, don't worry I checked!*

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