Saturday 26 March 2011

picture found on the topshop blog!
my first how to do post!

This is the big trend for nails this spring and a great way to update your look without having to splurge on new things! I first saw this trend in glamour magazine (right), then saw it in the new topshop magazine. I instantly fell in love with the look and had to try it out! You will need; two different colours and a cocktail stick. It takes quite a bit of practice so keep some nail varnish remover near by :) There is also another method using a bowl of water, but this looks to messy!


  1. paint your nail in one of your chosen nail varnish.
  2. whilst it's still a bit wet, put a blob of the other nail varnish in the centre of your nail. Be careful not to put to much on.
  3. Using the cocktail stick lighting move the nail varnish around in a figure of eight. Ta-da!

cba? White is THE colour this season so keep nails short and coated in white nail varnish for effortlessly on trend fingers :)

my first attempt! I have not yet mastered the technique :L

Friday 25 March 2011

wowserss. There are really no words to describe this post other than how cool are these pictures?!

check out her other creations :)

Thursday 24 March 2011

How old were you when you started wearing make up? I think i was about twelve, some people would say i was too young to start wearing make up and i even have friends at 16/17 who haven't started wearing it yet. But when is the right age? I definitely think kids nowadays are more likely to wear make up at a younger age. Recent programs like my big fat gypsy wedding and baby beauty queen support this. I don't want to go into this too much but would love to hear your opinions on it :) 

1.twit pic of katie price's big fat gypsy beauty queens

Saturday 19 March 2011

Barry M Foundation Creme WhiteI know what your thinking, who wears white foundation?! But this is great if you have any foundations that are too dark for you. Or if you find it difficult finding pale foundations you can just mix a bit of this into your foundation! This is by barry m, which you can purchase from superdrug, boots or online. 
They say : A complete colour range for every skin tone providing the perfect base for your make-up. The creamy base is enriched with moisturisers and vitamins that help keep skin smooth and supple for all day wear.
This is definitely worth checking out, hope you like this :)

Thursday 17 March 2011



First official portfolio pictures :) enjoy!

Friday 11 March 2011

I'm a big fan of gossip girl, I love seeing what they wear and how they do their hair and make up! So I thought a make up tutorial on blake lively/serena vanderwoodson eye make up would be fun to do :)

her look is really natural, the look i'm creating today is similar to the make up in the photograph :)

  1. Apply a cream coloured eyeshadow all over the eyelid and up to the brow bone.
  2. On the upper eye lid apply a tan coloured eyeshadow and blend the edges,
  3. Next highlight the inner corners on the eye, extending onto the lower lashline.
  4. Blake doesn't load tons of mascara on her lashes so one coat on the top and bottom eye lashes is enough for this look. Push the mascara wand upwards.

This look was a little rushed but it's great for a natural every day look!

Thursday 10 March 2011

If there is only one new blog you follow this month, make it Peluxe. Beauty/Fashion blogger, Phoebe has been blogging since 2009 and knows her stuff.From inspiring OOTD posts to   wishlist's and reviews, there's something for everyone. Phoebe has kindly agreed to spill her beauty secrets, here's what she had to say... 

What are your best and worst beauty buys?
My best beauty buy, the one I recommend to everyone, is Mario Badescu 'Drying Lotion'. Yes it's pricey, but it works wonders on blemishes, and we all suffer from a couple every now and then. The worst would probably have to be the Soap & Glory 'Hair Food', to say it is a deep conditioner.. well, let's just say my hair was smoother and more tangle free before I applied it.

Do you have a favourite make up brand?
Hmm.. I'm not sure I can pick just one! I think there are certain brands that have 'go to' products in different departments. I will say that for a great mascara I will always go to Maybelline. The Colossal lash is my all time favourite and I know I can rely on them for a good mascara.

Are you guilty of any beauty crimes?
I let my eyebrows grow out for way longer than possible, despite it being one of the worst things to see on people! I'm also guilty of going way too long in between hair trims, I'm getting better but you will always find split ends somewhere. Otherwise I think I'm pretty well behaved!

Best haircare product?
Anything by Goldwell is pretty much a winner, but if you want something a bit more accessible and more affordable then I'd have to say Aussie 3 Minute Miracle products. They really do work wonders. Plus, they're now launching a light version, so for thin haired girls like myself, it means I can treat my hair without it being weighed down or getting greasy quickly.

Do you have a celebrity style icon?
My celebrity idol is Fearne Cotton, I love her hair, make up, style - I'd love to channel her a bit more in everyday life but I like to think I have my own style. The character of Annie Wilson from 90210 is another favourite, I think she is a bit more relate-able in the style stakes. 

Best beauty tip you've heard?
I think the best ones are the well known ones. Ones that I swear by is to always use a wide toothed comb over a brush on wet hair and use a light eyeshadow on the inner corners and inner lash line of the eye to open them up.

Top 3 favourite blogs
With Love Freckles -

Kelanjo -

Big thank you to Phoebe for taking part!
Do you know anyone worthy of next month's blogger spotlight? Maybe it's you :) let me know below & thanks for visiting! x

Thursday 3 March 2011


We all want long eyelashes. But have you ever questioned why? 

Careful you don't trap them in a door!
scanning through my latest issue of cosmo, I am bombarding with adverts. My biggest pet peev has to be Photoshopping in cosmetic adverts! Here are some images I have come across this month.

I find this so frustrating, it's suggesting their mascara is going to make your eyelashes amazingly loooonnnnng. Truth is that a mascara can't change the length or thickness of your eyelashes. They may appear darker or longer but that's only because you have brushed a black paste onto them! Don't get me wrong; I love mascara, just not the way its advertised.

This is false advertising, but on the other hand it's good marketing. People are obviously buying their products, and more often then not we are disappointed with the mascara we've brought.

hhmm slightly misleading?

How many misleading adverts are there in your magazine? If you look closely at the small print it will say something like ' eyelashes were enhanced in post production' or 'filmed with lash inserts for an even lash line' Yeah thanks for that, cause we can all digitally enhance our lashes in the morning.

What are your thoughts on this topic? 

Wednesday 2 March 2011

slightly disturbing!
how fun would this look have been to create?!
Okay, so it's not your everyday make up look. And your not planning on going out like this in public. But I just thought it was really creative and I couldn't not include this in my blog! 
Make up artists were inspired my Alice in wonderland. I would have loved to be there! Let me know your thoughts on this lovely look :)