Thursday 3 March 2011


We all want long eyelashes. But have you ever questioned why? 

Careful you don't trap them in a door!
scanning through my latest issue of cosmo, I am bombarding with adverts. My biggest pet peev has to be Photoshopping in cosmetic adverts! Here are some images I have come across this month.

I find this so frustrating, it's suggesting their mascara is going to make your eyelashes amazingly loooonnnnng. Truth is that a mascara can't change the length or thickness of your eyelashes. They may appear darker or longer but that's only because you have brushed a black paste onto them! Don't get me wrong; I love mascara, just not the way its advertised.

This is false advertising, but on the other hand it's good marketing. People are obviously buying their products, and more often then not we are disappointed with the mascara we've brought.

hhmm slightly misleading?

How many misleading adverts are there in your magazine? If you look closely at the small print it will say something like ' eyelashes were enhanced in post production' or 'filmed with lash inserts for an even lash line' Yeah thanks for that, cause we can all digitally enhance our lashes in the morning.

What are your thoughts on this topic? 



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