Friday 29 November 2013

Eyecare has always been an important step in my skincare routine. I suffer from hereditary dark circles and dry skin around my eyes so I like to use either an eye cream or gel morning and night. I apply it after cleansing but before moisturising my skin. Here's a selection of some eye creams I reach for when my eye bags are big enough to qualify for extra baggage allowance.
REN Vita Mineral Active 7 Eye Gel �20.00* 15ml
A light and cooling gel which helps to revive tired eyes. You can use this one under or over makeup, the latter I'm yet to try. With this a little bit goes a long way so I only need to apply a small amount. Like all REN products this contains no parabens, sulphates, mineral oil or synthetic fragrances. This helps to cool and refresh my eyes and does reduce puffiness but I don't find this has done a great deal for my dark circles.
L'oral Skin Perfection Awakening Eye Cream �12.99
Designed to ward off crow feet, quench tired eyes and conceal dark circles. This cream is slighted tinted so it does work to correct dark circles and illuminates the under eye area. I can't comment on whether it's any good for fine lines but I'm sure my future self will thank me. Possible favourite out of all five....
HealGel Eye Fix �32* 15ml
Not one for those on a budget but I've found with this a little bit goes a long way. The gel formula has a delicate scent so great for those with sensitive skin. This definitely helps to reduce puffiness and slightly reduces dark circles. I've only been using this for 3 weeks so will be interested to see in a months time whether this is worth the hefty price tag.
Guinot Eye Mask �28.50* 30ml
I didn't even know that you could get a mask for your eyes before coming across this one. This is a thick, clear non-setting gel which instantly cools and  soothes tired eyes. This would be perfect if the skin around your eyes gets irritated. Not only does this moisturise, it also tightens skin and improves circulation to help banish dark circles. I leave this one for ten minutes when my eyes are looking puffy and remove with cleanser. Key ingredients include witch hazel and hyaluronic acid.
Simple Revitilsing Eye Roll On �4.99 15ml �4.99
I keep this in the fridge to keep cool and apply it to my eyes in the morning to wake them up. I love the refreshing feeling the cucumber extract gives and it definitely helps to wake my eyes up. The roller ball makes this really easy to use, also this is a great option for those on a budget ( not pictured because I've misplaced it!).

Are you an eye cream obsessive like me? A special mention goes to Nip + Fab Eye Fix which is in my top 3 favourite eye gels, definitely repurchasing after I've used up these ones! 

Sunday 24 November 2013

So way back in 2011 I wrote a post about the sexualisation of women in the media (read here if you missed it) and a few things have happened in the past few weeks that have made me want to raise this issue again. It's something I feel very strongly about and as a beauty blogger I feel like it's my responsibility to talk about it.

Firstly, you may have already seen this video before. It was created back in 2011 by Global Democracy. It shows a normal women being photoshopped until she looks unnatural and non-human like. These over photoshopped images are seen everyday and have a huge impact on young girls, putting pressure on how they should look and brainwash their minds with unrealistic ideas of 'beauty'. And don't even get me started on photoshopping in makeup advertisements which i previously wrote about here. I was glad to hear a few months ago, Boots beauty brand No7 ditched air-brushing in all their advertisements and only use real women. I can only hope other brands follow their lead.

This week Lily Allen made a comeback with her new single 'Hard out Here'. The video has caused quite a stir.The jist of it is about how women are exploited in music videos, which of course they are. I applaud Lily for her new video, it is hard out here for a bitch and not just in the media.

Has anyone else been enjoying this years 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here'? I love it but was sad to watch Olympic gold medallist, Rebecca Adlington get upset over her body image. She said that she had been bullied about her looks for years and that she had become very insure as a result. It's so upsetting that she wasn't trying to be a model and yet she was still being criticised for the way she looked rather than what she was achieving.

I wanted to end this serious debate on a lighter note. Earlier in the week I tweeted about this article from Refinery29 - 'Why Beauty Isn't About Being Perfect'. The beauty website pays tribute to three beautiful women with uniquely stunning looks which may not be considered as conventional beauty.

A face with scars, freckles, laughter lines etc...tells a story and is far more interesting then a flawless complexion. I truly believe beauty comes from within, having a pretty face but being a horrible person makes you ugly - beauty is a total package. If you ever feel down about the way you look or dishearten by the over photoshopped images you see, don't forget you're not alone and I'm always here for a chat if anyone wants to email me.

Would love to hear your thoughts on  topic? 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Hi, my name's Kia and i have a perfume addiction. I like to change up what ones i wear but i do love them all. I'm not swayed by the brand or packaging (ok, maybe a little) the most important thing for me is the scent. Here is a peek into my current perfume collection...

Hugo Boss Orange Sunset
A fruity but floral fragrance with top notes of mandarin orange and bergamote. Hints of vanilla and sandalwood can be detected once settled into the skin making this perfect for daytime. 
Especially Escada Elixir 
This fragrance is fairly new, launched in July this year. A combination of turkish rose and oriental facts such as patchaouli, vanilla and amber. A sweet, intense scent - one for you rose lovers. 
Calvin Klein Shock
An impressive sweet scent without being over bearing. Described as an oriental-floral fragrance with top notes of passion flower and poppy. I'm not sure if i'd describe this as oriental - it kinda reminds me of those refresher sweets you used to get! 
Nina Ricci Ricci 
A sophisticated scent which can easily be worn everyday or for a special occasion. This definitely has a more mature scent to it than the others. Woody essences are combined lower floral elements to create a delicious fragrance. Top notes include rhubarb zest and bergamot. 
Diesl Loverdose
This is very much a love/hate perfum. If you like liquorice and vanilla, you're going to love this. This weet, musky fragrance is really unique and lasts around 6 hours on skin. 
Jimmy Choo
A lovely bottle to match an even lovelier fragrance. Read my full review of this here
Chloe Eau De Parfum
If you like rose scented perfumes you'll love this one from Chloe, read my full review here.
Emporio Armani Diamonds
Another sweet scent that isn't too overpowering. A mixture of lychee, raspberry, rose, lily and vanilla make up this fragrance. I love this for everyday and it's not heavy at all.

What is your must-have fragrance? Have you tried any of these?

Monday 18 November 2013

Source: Fanpop
I warn you now - get ready for the fangirling! And images, lots of images. If you want to skip the images and go straight to the polish you can simply go to my shop and see the swatches ... but just know that you will be missing something awesome!! AWESOME, I SAY!!!

Source: Pinterest
Seriously, don't wander off! You might miss something important ... and awesome ... definitely awesome.

Photo Credit: Adrian Rogers, � BBC
Did you know that this weekend is the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who?? Did you really think a Whovian obsessed nut like me could let that day pass without releasing a special polish?

Surely you jest!

Leave The Brakes On is a Tardis blue holographic. Did anyone else really love that bit in Time of Angels where River tells the Doctor that the Tardis isn't supposed to make that noise ... he just leaves the brakes on! Maybe you didn't love that bit. Still wandering why would I take my inspiration from the Tardis?

Photo Credit: Adrian Rogers, � BBC
Well ... the Doctor is always changing. Just about the only constant of the show is the Tardis. The Tardis never changes ...

Source: Doctor Who Wiki
Except that time it was an organ ...

Source: Rebloggy
Or, ya know, that time it was a woman.

Photo taken in my lightbox
 But really, the Doctor would be nothing without the Tardis and it's ability to travel through time and space. He'd just be some odd alien bloke who works in a shop.

Source: Tumblr
Yes, yes, it's pretty in my lightbox, but check out the pictures taken with flash and in the sunlight!

Photo taken with flash.
Photo taken in sunlight
Photo taken in sunlight
Source: Tumblr
Do you see it? Do you see the awesomeness of this polish?? I thought you might, so there is only one thing left to say ...

Source: Tumblr


Sunday 17 November 2013

While adding a new review system to my Storenvy shop I decided to spruce up my layout a bit. In celebration I thought ... why not have a rare sale?? You can now take 10% off any order of $10 or more with the code NEWLAYOUT. This sale ends 10am EST November 18th. This code is only good in my Storenvy shop and will not work in my Etsy. And with that I say ENJOY!

Thursday 14 November 2013

source: weheartit
*guest post*Many people see going to the hairdressers as a chance to sit back, relax and be pampered by an expert, but for others the experience is fraught with worry. Even if you're confident about the end result, the thought of having to engage in mind-numbing small talk can lead you to put off an appointment for as long as possible.
This fear of conversing with strangers has been made worse by an increasing reliance on technology.More transactions are taking place online, since the internet makes it convenient to do everything from pay the phone bill, shop for leggings at Very or buy cereal from an online supermarket. With less personal interaction going on, conversational skills have become a little rusty, and this once pleasurable experience can be a social minefield.
Of course, if you're lucky, it may be that your hairdresser is a master of quick wit with an excellent taste in TV and that an hour spent in their company is a joy. Alternatively, they may be a whizz with the scissors but lacking in interesting chitchat. If you're faced with the latter it may be wise to enter the salon suitably prepared.
If you really can't face talking, you could take a book, make a bee-line for that magazine stack or remain glued to your mobile. Just make sure to glance up every now and then to check you aren't sporting a mullet. As long as you're polite, your hairdresser probably won't mind - they might actually be relieved at not having to ask the fifth person that day where they're heading off on holiday!
Even if you are at the opposite end of the spectrum and your hairdresser is a long-standing confidante, a certain amount of discretion is advised. Just because you trust them with your hair it doesn�t necessarily mean you can do the same when it comes to secrets about your love life!
Finally, it�s time for the big reveal, so remember the central part of hairdressing etiquette. If you are unhappy with the results explain why, and ask them politely but firmly to fix the problem. Hopefully you will love your new 'do and can depart on good terms, free to avoid the whole experience for another six weeks!
Hey gals! I bring some really sad news. My family has recently lost a member. My bonus-dad (my dad in all but blood) passed suddenly on October 25th. He was so proud of me for making polish - such an odd thing for a big, gruff guy like him to proud of but he was always telling anyone who would listen that I actually make my own polish ... and sell it too! I wanted to honor the wonderful man he was and the broken hearts he left behind ... and I guess this is the only way I feel I can do that.

I also want you to know that I keep nothing from selling these polishes. ALL proceeds will go to my mom to help her pay bills and funeral costs.

Teal We Meet Again - Teal Holographic and Butterflies and Broken Hearts - Silver Holographic Butterflies, Black Broken Hearts, green glitter, and black and silver holographic micro-glitter

This is The Remembrance Duo. It includes Teal We Meet Again and Butterflies and Broken Hearts. As part of The Remembrance Duo is the only place you will ever be able to buy Teal We Meet Again. However, if you want just the glitter topper Butterflies and Broken Hearts can be about alone.

These polishes are being sold at a slightly increased price ($10 for the glitter topper and $20 for the duo).

Butterflies and Broken Hearts has a lot of meaning to me and my family. My mom taught me early her belief that butterflies are messengers of heaven and that every time you see a butterfly it is simply a loved one's way of waving hello from the great beyond. I couldn't create a memorial polish without including lots of silver holographic butterflies. The black hearts are of course the broken hearts he left us with. You'll also find tons of green (my bonus-dad's favorite color), as well as lots of holographic black and holographic silver glitter.

Teal We Meet Again is a gorgeous teal holographic polish that makes a stunning base for Butterflies and Broken Hearts. I really don't think you could find a more perfect pair.

On a side note, there are still a few polishes from the Halloween 2013 Collection left that can now be bought on sale.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

I'm already a huge fan of Rimmel lipsticks so i quickly popped to Boots when i heard they were launching some new shades. 

I picked up 'In love with Ginger', a creamy orange red. 'Mayfair Red Lady' which is a blue toned red and also 'Oxford Street Fushia' a barbie pink lipstick shade. The Moisture Renew lipsticks have a glossy finish and are highly pigmented. The staying power for these isn't too bad considering the moisturising formula but i do have to re-apply after eating or drinking. There are ten new shades in total from nudes to dark plums, so something for everyone! My favourite shade has to be 'In Love With Ginger' which i've swatched above(scary close-up!). I've never tried an orange-y lipstick before but i really like it! If you find the Rimmel Matte lipsticks too drying definitely check these out as they're a lot more hydrating. 

Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipsticks retail for �6.49 each. Available at Boots, Superdrug and selected Supermarkets. 

Sunday 10 November 2013

I loved a good oil-based product from dry body oils to cleansing oils - i can't get enough! I've never come across an oil-based shampoo & conditioner until discovering these...

Formulated to leave hair squeaky clean, nourished and looking shiny, this shampoo makes my hair feel light and airy. Both products are infused with Argan and Safflower oil which helps to restore dull looking hair. As you can see from the photos, tiny flecks of gold shimmer are suspended in both products. They look really pretty but unfortunately they serve no purpose as they wash out completely. I thought as these were oil-based products they would leave my hair feeling heavy, but after just one wash my hair is left feeling lightweight. I love the wispy effect these products give my thick hair, i just wish the gold shimmer didn't rinse out!

Both products are paraben and silicone free. They are more expensive then normal L'oreal haircare products as they're from their professional range. The L'oreal Mythic Oil Souffle D'or Shampoo* and Conditioner* are �13.00 each and available to purchase from The Salon Look website here.

*pr samples

Thursday 7 November 2013

Time to snap shut your bronzer and bring out the winter glow getters. The winter weather can take it's toll on our skin and can leave it looking tired. These make up bits are the perfect pick-me-ups for the colder months. 

Lilly Lolo Honey Glow Shimmer Stripes* �19.99
This compact from Lily Lolo is made up of five stripes of soft colour, ranging from a gorgeous dusky rose to a lovely rose gold. The multi-tonal highlighter makes it perfect for custom creating a shade to suit your skintone perfectly or you could use the shades individually. Not only does this add some subtle shimmer to cheeks, you can also use this as eyeshadow. When swirled together the shades collide to create a shimmery pink cocktail with golden undertones. The shades are quite pigmented but it still creates a subtle glow - perfect for winter blues! This product is ideal for those with sensitive skin as it's fragrance and talc free.

L'oreal Lumi Magique Primer �9.99
This is a new addition to my make up bag. I was sold by it's claim to give skin a "lit from within glow". The slim bottle with pump makes it easy to dispense. The pearly white primer is similar to Benefits High Beam, maybe a drugstore dupe? Its thin texture blends into the skin easily leaving a natural, healthy glow. I like to mix it with No7's Triple Protection Tinted Moisturiser.

No7 Triple Protection Tinted Moisturiser �11.50
The lightweight, creamy texture of this tinted moisturiser creates a dewy finish once applied. 5 star UVA protection and SPF 15 means your skin is protected from the sun and environment. The Vitamin A and E helps to moisture skin, making this great for those with drier complexions. This is great if you're in a rush, skip moisturiser and just pop this on!

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer �5.99
This lightweight concealer has an almost gel texture. I think this would be great for those suffering from dry skin as it's quite hydrating. What I love most about this is the fresh natural finish it gives whilst brightening up skin - perfect for under eye circles!

L'oreal Universal Lip Glow �8.49
A unique lipstick which changes colour to the heat and moisture of your lips to create your own bespoke lipstick shade! Your tailor-made colour is revealed gradually resulting in a just-bitten, pink stained look with a dewy finish. This wonder balm completes the glowy skin look, i do think it's a little over-priced though.

I love glowy skin so i'm reaching for these beauties everyday! What product do you use for a radiant complexion? 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

A new series to go with a new blog design. These monthly round ups are just some of my favourites posts from the last four weeks incase you missed any or wanted to re-visit. Let me know what has been your favourite blog post from your blog so i can have a look too! 

Monday 4 November 2013

Who loves stationary and free stuff? Well then, you're in for a treat today. The lovely people over at Personal Planner are letting me giveaway a planner to one of my lucky readers. 

Above is my own planner, don't worry you wont be winning that exact one (that would be weird). The first thing to do is choose the front cover. I couldn't pick just one photo so i created a collage on Picasa and uploaded it. I then choose what design i wanted on the inside pages, i went for a pink and grey colour scheme. You can also edit whether you want lined,blank or square paper. You can include to-do lists, graphs and add special dates - this is perfect for keeping your blog/life organized! 

If you would like to win a Personal Planner like the one i created above simply fill out the Rafflecoptor form. Giveaway is open to UK residents and ends on Monday 11 November. Check out Personal Planner on twitter here and head over to their Facebook page here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What picture would you put on the front?