Tuesday 16 October 2012

Today's post is Day 4, Mummy Nails, of the Nail-Aween Nail Art Challenge.

nails nailart nail art mani manicure Spellbound mummy Doctor Who quote Halloween Nail-Aween Challenge googly eyes stripes string spun sugar

The white stripes were done with a technique I found through Manicurator's blog where she did the most awesome rainbow stripe nails. The technique, sometimes called string nail art or spun sugar nail art, is simple. Put a few drops of polish onto a piece of paper and stir it until it gets goopy and strings start to form. I used a sewing needed to stir and blew across the polish as I was stirring. Lift your tool straight up out of the polish occasionally to see if you're getting strings. Once strings start to form simply put your nail close to the polish and pull the strings across your nail. This technique is messy; it will definitely need some cleanup. However, the finished look is definitely worth it. I actually wore these nails shopping without the eyes and got many a second look.

As for the eyes, I was very disappointed to realize, as I was doing this mani, that the smallest googly eyes I bought were still slightly too big for this mani. I was hoping for just the perfect size so the eyes would look like they were looking out of my nails like a mummy through bandages. I think these nails can go into the 'good idea, bad follow through' folder. Maybe I'll get a chance to try them again next year. :)

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