Thursday, 31 July 2014

Cor Blimey it's hot. We aren't use to this kinda heat in the UK. I've been rocking a SULA (sweaty upper lip alert) for the past week but thanks to the Sure Maximum Protection Anti-perspirant my armpits have been as dry as my mum's roast potatoes. I picked this up from Boots because my usual go to (Mitchum) just...

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I've wanted to try liquid exfoliators for a while now. I spotted the Time Delay Daily Brightening Toning Water the other day and had to pick it up.  It claims to help exfoliate and gently tone skin which is what made me think this could be a dupe for the Clarins Exfoliating Toner. Time Delay isn't a brand...

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Following the success of the last Little Mix and Collection makeup range they are launching some exciting new products this summer. Each band member has created her own lip balm scented with their favourite smells and shades. Leigh-Anne's is Mint, Jade's is Raspberry, Jesy's is Vanilla and Perrie's is unscented...

Monday, 28 July 2014

We all like to buy stuff, especially stuff we don't really need. My weakness is beauty products. I'd much rather spend my wages in Boots than Topshop. All these special offers, new trends and new products are all too tempting and I get forced into buying more makeup. I've come up with some tips on how not to...

Sunday, 27 July 2014

I searched through 390 posts to see which one I was proudest of. It was really difficult to choose which one I was most proud of. I'm really happy with my content from the past two months because I've had more time to blog and really create content I'd want to read. However, for this post I had to take a little...

Saturday, 26 July 2014

You know when you go into Boots for blister plasters and come out with everything but blister plasters? Yeah, that happened.#noregretsScandaleyes Waterproof Gel Liner in EmeraldI've never tried a gel liner before so I thought why not jump in at the deep end and go for a green one. This one claims to be Smudge...

Friday, 25 July 2014

So you've probably heard about double cleansing but have you ever tried double face mask-ing? I briefly spoke about this in my 'How to adjust your skincare for summer' post but wanted to give it it's own feature.There are a whole heap of face masks on the market; from brightening to tightening, hydrating to clearing...

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Sometimes dream catchers and a cup of tea before bed isn't enough to ensure a good nights sleep. I love my sleep but lately I've been waking up in the night. I find it hard to switch my brain off and this hot, sweaty weather doesn't help. I've been using this little roller ball to help me drift off to dreamland...
At the weekend I attended my first ever city festival. I went up to London with my friend Megan to experience Lovebox. It wasn't a festival I was very familiar with before but I was given VIP tickets c/o Hawaiian Tropic and had a great day! It was so hot we spent most of the day searching for shade. In the...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Forget about blackhead strips because there's a shiny new product in town. The Witch Blackhead Clearing Gel is a gentle exfoliating gel that removes dead skin cells and rubs away blackheads easily while contracting the pores making your skin look fresher and more radiant.I couldn't wait to give this a go to see...

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Festival beauty, for me, is all about ease. When my tent is my dressing table and my phone is my mirror I need products that are quick, easy and effortless to apply. I'm off to a couple of festivals this year and I'm aimming for that fresh faced, girlfriend-with-an-all-access-vip-wristband-look rather than an...

Monday, 21 July 2014

I started writing this blog in 2011 and haven't looked back since. It has become part of my everyday life and it's rare I switch off from it all. I love what I do. This is my little corner of the internet where I get to talk to like-minded beauty-obsessed people and offer some helpful (I hope!) advice. Now I'm...

Sunday, 20 July 2014

What is the best beauty advice you've ever heard? Was it some words of wisdom from your Mum? Did you learn from your big sisters mistakes? Maybe it was something you saw on Pinterest? Whatever it is, I want to know.The best beauty advice I can give you is to do more of what makes you happy. Whether that be wearing...

Saturday, 19 July 2014

I've tried several micellar waters including the cult-buy Bioderma and I have to say I'm a cleansing water convert. I love the ease of a cleansing water, I normally use them pre-cleanse just to get take of the bulk of my make up.The newest one I'm testing out is from Eucerin. I've tried a few products from the...

Friday, 18 July 2014

If you ever need an excuse to buy a magazine, this is the month. There so so many great July magazine freebies I just had to share them with you. Does anyone else find all the good freebies come out in the summer?Instyle (�3.90) Free Neal's Yard Geranium & Orange Hand Cream 50ml, worth �10Marie Claire (�2.50)...

Thursday, 17 July 2014

I love beachy waves but sometimes a dip in the sea just isn't convenient so any products designed to help create that hairstyle, I need in my life. No doubt you are familiar with the Bumble & bumble Surf Spray. As my bottle is coming to an end I'm on the hunt for a cheaper alternative, especially as...

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Some free beauty product samples I wanted to share with you this month. Not many but some good'ns I just had to share with you! Let me know in the comments if you get your hands on these free samples! Nivea In Shower Body MoisturiserBurt's Bees Lip Balm in Acai BerryBenefit b.right Facial SerumJustin Bieber...

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

A few months ago you might remember a post called 'What's In My Mums MakeUp Bag'. That went down really well with you guys so I decided to continue the theme.My Dad travels a lot for work so he isn't home often but I managed to catch him quickly before he headed off again to discuss his beauty, sorry grooming...

Monday, 14 July 2014

We all have those moments when we loose our blogging mojo and have no idea what to write about. I get it a lot and now I've set myself the challenge to blog everyday in July I definitely need some inspiration. Here are 22 blog post ideas if you need a helping hand!1. 3 bloggers I read daily2. Why I became a blogger3....

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Considering I'm a beauty blogger I'm pretty lazy at most beauty stuff. I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my bad beauty habits so you can have a chuckle at my beauty sins. It's about to get real nasty.Not Washing My BrushesThey saw you should wash your make up brushes every week - ain't nobody...

Saturday, 12 July 2014

(Bourjois One Seconde Volume,Alexa Chung for Eyeko, MUA Lash Boom, Eyeko Curvy Brush)What ever happened to a good old mascara brush? I feel like mascara wands are getting odder and odder. Who comes up with these crazy designs? Remember that Bourjois mascara which rotated or the Givenchy wand with a massive...

Friday, 11 July 2014

Hayfever, tiredness, allergies or maybe you just watched The Fault In Our Stars - whatever the reason for your red eyes here are some helpful makeup tips to camouflage that redness.- Firstly, irritated skin can often get dry so it's important to use an eye cream. This will also help concealer go on better and...