Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween everyone. It was a really busy day, but I managed to get my Halloween inspired mani done for the last day of the Nail-Aween Challenge. My Halloween inspiration is trick or treating. I bet you can guess why. :)This is my first blog worthy picture taken with my newly constructed light-box ...

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Today's post is being turned into a double post. While we are not in the direct path of Hurricane Sandy, we are feeling the effects. We've had rain, snow, and power outages just to name a few. We've spent all night and most of today with no power and no heat. I am beyond thankful that the power is back up and...

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Hello girlies!! First off, I just want to say thank you guys so much for sticking with me. I don't say it enough but I love all your follows, your views, your comments, and your shares. You keep me going, keep me coming back with better and better nail art. So, thank you; you guys are great!!!Spider nail art...
I've got a nice little giveaway for you all today! I recently reached 600 followers (wwooo!) so I think a giveaway or two is in need :) I asked on twitter how you would prefer to enter & majority said via rafflecopter. I'm giving away a bronzer courtesy of Makebelieve. I've been using this bronzer...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The ABC Challenge is up to G today. There were a ton of things I could have done for G, but I decided to go with something morbid and great for Halloween. So, G is for ... Gravestones.The grey of New York Colors Sidewalkers made for a great base color. Then I darkened it with some black and lightened it with...

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

I can't believe we are on Day 6 of the Nail-Aween Challenge already. With only 10 'days' in this challenge this means we are also coming closer and closer to the end. I plan to finish this challenge on Halloween.Today's challenge was Frankenstein nails. I decided to do the basic green, stitched...

Monday, 22 October 2012

I wasn't sure what I was going to post today right up until I actually started typing. It's the reason for the late post. I haven't had much luck with my nails this weekend and even less luck in taking pictures. I finally picked up the supplies this weekend to make my light box, but what I haven't managed to...

Friday, 19 October 2012

The next in the Nail-Aween Challenge was a choice between ghost or goblin. I chose to do ghost, but I wanted to do something a bit different than simple ghosts on my nails.With this in mind I did Casper and the Ghostly Trio: Stretch, Fatso and Stinky. What I couldn't manage to get in the picture is the glitter....

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Today is supposed to be the next in the Nail-Aween Challenge, I know! But I'm a day behind after being sick this week. I'll be able to catch up this weekend but until then I've swapped today and tomorrow's posts. Tomorrow will definitely be the Nail-Aween nails.Today's post is another of the unnamed/unbranded...

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

I had a few ideas on what to do for F in the ABC Challenge but the one that really stood out and begged to be done was frog. Not just any frog though, I wanted to do Blue Poison-Dart Frog nails. I actually want to do a collection of poison-dart frog nails.I started with a three coat base color of China Glaze...
I was so excited and honored when the ever amazing beauty blogger, Ashley Elizabeth, asked me to be a guest blogger. After accepting came the question, what was I going to do?? I thought long and hard before I decided the one thing I really wanted to do was attempt to tie our blogs together. Since she is...

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Today's post is Day 4, Mummy Nails, of the Nail-Aween Nail Art Challenge.The white stripes were done with a technique I found through Manicurator's blog where she did the most awesome rainbow stripe nails. The technique, sometimes called string nail art or spun sugar nail art, is simple. Put a few drops of polish...

Monday, 15 October 2012

Hello everyone. I'm in the midst of a cold and debated even doing a post today, but thanks to some help from the lovely women on my Facebook Page I was able to beat the sore throat and tone down the other symptoms of my cold. You can totally thank them for this post!I've been waiting to post these nails for a...

Friday, 12 October 2012

I don't know if you know this but October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I think this is something we should all recognize. Breast Cancer Awareness isn't just for survivors or the family of those diagnosed. It's not even just for all women everywhere. While breast cancer among men is rare, it does happen!In...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

I've done a lot of bloody nails in my time as a nail artist. Splatters and drips and everything in between. I dislike redoing one of my nail art ideas unless I know I can make it better or unless I have a slightly different take on it. So when I saw that the next challenge in the Nail-Aween Nail Art Challenge...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

I had so many ideas on what to do for E in the ABC Challenge. I may still attempt some of them after Halloween. But, in the end E is for ... Eeyore!!There's really not much to say about this mani. I'm pretty disappointed in my freehand Eeyore. It's not up to my usual standards. He started out so well too, and...

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Sorry this is a bit late. It was supposed to be up Friday. There were two manicures in the Nail-Aween Challenge that I was least looking forward to and they were the water marble and the matte dotticure. Personally, I'm just not fond of matte dotticures. I love bright colors and flashy nail art. I managed to...

Monday, 8 October 2012

Today's featured polish is from a recent haul. There was a sale, and I couldn't resist!This is Sally Hansen's No Hard Feelings and there are certainly no hard feelings about this polish!! I am in absolute love.The color looks more true in this picture. It's definitely more of a floral lavender or a wisteria maybe.To...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Last Saturday my mom, my niece and I went to a local festival called PotatoFest. It's one of my favorite fall festivals, second only to the Fall Foliage Festival happening this weekend. The city that holds the festival is the second largest supplier of potatoes in the state so it's kind of a big deal. PotatoFest...

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

D is for dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or pitahaya! What I find really awesome is that dragon fruit isn't really a fruit but a species of cactus. I guess it's not so hard to believe when you look at it's outer shell. [Wikipedia]This isn't really what I had in mind for D. I wanted this to have glitter or...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hello everyone!! Since Halloween is my favorite holiday I decided to make October the best month yet. Or at least, I hope you guys will like my posts. What do you have to look forward to?My usual Wednesday posts have been taken over by the ABC Challenge nail art so you should be seeing some pretty creative designs...

Monday, 1 October 2012

This months favourites are going to be a little different as I'll be including things i'm loving other then beauty products - check them out at the bottom :)Jergens Skin Firming Body Moisteriser �4.99 - This is a really nice light-weight moisteriser, it has a fresh clean scent and dries quickly. It claims to...
It's the first of October and that means Halloween is fast approaching. Halloween is my favorite holiday, always has been, and I am so excited to get October started right with an awesome post.This polish has no name or even a brand listed. It just says Pumpkin Nail Enamel. However, I searched for the distributor...