Saturday, 30 June 2012

I am very excited about this post. It's feather nails! I've been wanting to try these for months. I picked up the feathers a day or two before my last nail break though so doing these nails was put on hold. My nail has since grown back nicely so I figured it was past time to try feather nails for the first time. Before...

Friday, 29 June 2012

It's been a very busy week around here so I haven't had much time to browse other blogs. However, I did stumble across this in my feeds. It was love at first sight, and I knew instantly it was this week's feature. :)This is Neon Tie Dye + Sticks 'n Stones by Amber (and Dustin) over at My Nail Graffiti. First...

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Hey everyone. I went swimsuit shopping yesterday! I got my first swimsuit in years for vacation last year after losing about 15-20 pounds. Well, I lost another 10 or so this year. That brings my total to just over 30 pounds lost. Yay for me! However, I'm still not at my goal weight so swimsuit shopping is a fairly...

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Hello lovelies :) Today, i am going to show you a how to do a unicorn, sometimes called rope, braid. It's so simple & easy to do & it's suppose to be the new 'fishtail'. I wore this look to my friends birthday meal yesterday & it's quickly become a favourite hairstyle of mine. My hair inspiration for...

Monday, 25 June 2012

Today's post is my very first Harry Potter mani. I have dozens of Harry Potter designs sketched in my nail art book, but I've never felt confident enough to complete any. So, when I was completely stumped on what to do with my nails last week I figured it was past time to do something Harry Potter.I went through...

Friday, 22 June 2012

'ello everyone! The heat around here has been insane! It makes nail painting nearly impossible, but it makes getting a tan so easy. Why pay for a session in a tanning booth when I can lay out everyday and tan quicker? Still, even with the heat horrors I have a few posts ready for next week, but today is Friday...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Another foundation review as part of my #projectfoundation series. It was suppose to just take place during May but i underestimated how busy i would be last month, sorry! As you can tell from the title i am reviewing Estee Lauder Double Wear Light. I own mainly high street foundations but i bought this as a...

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Heelllooo ladies!(soz if that sounds a bit creepy) Hope you've all had a good week so far. I tweeted the pictured below after receiving them this morning and a lot of you wanted to see a post on how to get your hands on these free samples. So here it is, enjoy your freebies! The first samples are...
Hey girlies. I don't have much to share today since I completely failed a nail design yesterday. I know, I know. I'm usually a few days ahead with my nail designs but I was working on something for a nail art contest! So, that's what I'm going to share with you today. First off, I'm sorry for the zombie claw...

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Hey everyone! Happy Father's Day ... or rather ugly tie day. We don't do much for Father's Day in our family since we're a bit ... different. I have my mom and my bonus dad. That's our family's word for step. So, my bonus dad gets a card and a gift. We also go to my bonus grandparents house for lunch. Today...

Friday, 15 June 2012

Hey everyone! I hope you guys are having a great day. I think I have finished moving things around on the blog for now but if there's anything you'd like to see different let me know. :)I can't believe how quickly this week has flown passed, but it's Feature Friday again! Today I bring you an awesome gradient...

Thursday, 14 June 2012

 This was a highly requested blog post after featuring it in my May Favourites. I love pastel colours, but on my eyes...i wasn't too sure. But i've had a few months to play with this palette & i absolutely love it!The top and bottom three colours are my favourites. I haven't ventured out to...
'ello girlies. Check out the Under Construction post if you're wondering if you found the right blog. I'm just making a few changes. However, that's not what today's post is about. Today's mani is fashion inspired.I caught a glimpse of a dress on television last month or maybe the month before. I can't find a...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Some of you may be noticing a few changes around the blog. While I adore the template I started this blog with, I want to change a few things to finally make it my own. Things may be a bit messy for a few days as I get everything settled. I'll be trying out a few different headers, getting rid of some of the sidebar clutter, and giving the blog a sleeker design ... I hope.I'm not the only one who...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Hello girlies. I was set not to post today as I was supposed to be in Connecticut by way of New York and the Statue of Liberty but those plans have been put off to a later time. So, I bring you what I think of as Vintage Inspired: Take Two.I bought Sally Hansen's Lacey Lilac for my Mother's Day nails, but...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Who doesn't like a freebie? I received these ones over the last month simply by filling out forms online. Companies like to give away samples as it's a good way of getting customer feedback and getting people to try their new products before buying. I haven't used any of them yet as I like saving them to take...

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Hello girlies! I hope everyone is having a great day. I know I am. I'm so excited to share this polish with you today.Today's post is a China Glaze color swatch for Sun Worshiper. I'm not sure how I missed Sun Worshiper or the Poolside collection the first time around but Sun Worshiper was recently posted for...

Friday, 8 June 2012

 Part two of my May favourites, read part one which include my favourite make up products here. These are the haircare, skincare and beauty products i've been reaching for last month!Japonesque Travel Blush Brush*Japonesque is a brand i discovered and loved last month. I've put it back in it's original packaging...
Hey girlies. I'm calling today 'Feature Friday'. I'm thinking of making this a regular thing where I feature a blog or a blog post that caught my interest during the week.I love reading other blogs, and I'm certainly not ashamed of it! What I also love is give those bloggers some love and helping other readers...

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Firstly I am going to show you lovely lot what make up products i have been reaching for last month! I've got a few other skincare and bodycare products to show you, so i'll save those for the next post.Benefit They're Real Mascara �18.50The only high-end product in my May favs as I'm more of a high-street kinda...
The Dalek Rule This GalaxyI mentioned on my Facebook page last week that I was doing my first galaxy nail. I also mentioned that I had to put my own spin on them. I left you all in the dark on just what kind of spin. Well, it's a Doctor Who spin. Most of you probably won't recognize the Doctor Who reference,...