Sunday, 29 April 2012

Bit of a hairy confession, i know i damage my hair with all the bleaching and curling and blow drying i do but it doesn't stop me from doing it! I feel guilty for damaging my hair, but I think most people are in the same boat as me. So when a new range comes along claiming to help look after hair that has been...
Hello, girlies! I was going to post this mani Friday but with my nails breaking I held off. I managed to fix two of the nails with the teabag method. I really wish I had taken pictures to share but I was so focused and panicked at the time to think of it. I definitely recommend trying this method next time your...

Friday, 27 April 2012

I just had to get out of what was to be a nice, relaxing bath to do emergency work on a broken nail. I reached up to turn off the water and my hand slipped off the knob. Sadly, my nail caught and broke. I'm thankful that it wasn't a clean break as this gives me a very slight chance of saving it.I was happy to find that I had some left over nail glue and managed a temporary fix. However, what I'm asking...
Hello, girlies! I tried my hand at stamping again today. I still haven't got it down yet, but I might be getting better. What do you think?I think of this mani as deconstructed camo or my attempt at 'pretty camo'. While doing this design, I kept in mind the camo that uses various shades of green and tan to create...

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

So...this is the first ever Barry M lip paint I've tried! I'm not really a lipstick person, I have always associated it with older women but since i've started blogging i've opened up to trying different products. Here's a quick review on the Barry M lip paint in Pretty Pink! Oooh don't you just...
First off ... whoa, what is up with the new posting feature?? Was anyone else horribly confused and panicking a bit? I thought I pressed the wrong button or something!!Right, onto the post. I'm not sure how long I can keep this daily posting up. Maybe another day or so if I'm not too lazy to paint my nails today,...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Today I bring you a swatch. Not my usual lately, I know. I'm more of a nail artist to be honest, but I've had this color sitting in one of my polish drawers since Christmas. Looking at it now, I really don't know why I never used it before.This is Orly brand polish in Shimmering Mauve. Personally, I wouldn't...

Monday, 23 April 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages ... today I present circus nails!!!Okay, being truthful. I was a bit disappointed with both the circus and these nails.This is two coats of China Glaze Riveting with a coat of Wet n Wild Party of Five Glitters and though I didn't count after the first...

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Hello, my lovelies! I'm getting this post out a bit later than I was hoping. I went to the circus with family yesterday and overslept this morning. I woke up to a rainy, cloudy, just plain yucky day so pictures took longer too. However, I have pictures of my circus nails for tomorrow to look forward to....

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Yardley isn't a brand  I'd normal go for but I'm glad I had the chance to try them out. I am a big fan of Yardley's packaging - very British and luxurious. They look great in my bathroom! I think this brand is very much associated with older women, I have to admit that this shouldn't...
I decided to make today's post a product review. I don't usually do these, and I'm sorry if you were expecting something more but I really want to share my new find with you.What am I talking about? I'm talking about Fran Wilson Nail Tees. I picked them up at my local Sally Beauty last weekend when I went in...

Friday, 20 April 2012

Another post already?? Yes! And you'll be getting one tomorrow too and maybe the next day! Are you excited? I know I am.I'm pretty proud of these nails. It is my first time doing a design like this. I wasn't sure of it at first but I came to enjoy the overall look. I do wish I had gone with my first thought and...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Not all my nail designs work out. I, like everyone else, have off days and disasters. I call today's post the 'Chessur Disaster'.For those who don't know, Chessur is the Cheshire Cat of Tim Burton's, Alice in Wonderland. This is one of my favorite movies and I dream of one day having a Cheshire tattoo complete...