Sunday, 30 October 2011

nothing to creepy mind. I wanted to do a sort of Q&A post on my blog as naturally, I love you guys for reading my post's & I feel like you all don't know me that well! So leave a comment below or contact me on twitter any question you want.Could be about my personal life/my blog/beauty....will answer all...

Thursday, 27 October 2011

 feast your eyes on this beauty.building up the coats, definitely needs a top coat.My camera doesn't do this varnish enough justice, so I've added another one for you to ogle at :) O.P.I have recently launched 12 limited edition polishes inspired by The Muppets. I was kindly...

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Bit cold in England. Must invest in a nice warm coat. Holiday was lovely :) got some pictures to share with you, including my beauty essentials! I have lots of blog posts planned, just need to get writing them!(L-R) Revlon Colourstay for Oily/Combination skin types SPF 6 I went for this one because...

Monday, 17 October 2011

If you follow me on twitter you may already no that I am off on holiday to tenerife tomorrow! I haven't been aboard for yearssss, so should be good! I will be returning next tuesday & will let you know all the goss and post some pictures :) Have a lovely week...

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

I have been keeping this a secret for over a month now! Couldn't wait to share it with everyone, it's an article about how I started blogging and got into beauty & also my illustrations. I was SO happy when I got the email for this. I had just returned home from a meal with a couple of friends and I started...

Monday, 10 October 2011

Hello! How is everyone's October going? Just a quickie to let you know what is happening on the blog soon.As you can see from the picture above; I have a big collection 2000 review coming up. Also some Burt's Bees Skincare, Lots of false eyelashes, a bit of fake tan and a winter skincare post.This Wednesday I...

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Each individual product has been specially selected by me because they are my 'favourites'. All have exceeded my expectations and are generally just lovely products. Some have been sent & some I have purchased; this will be clearly stated below. It is important to me that my readers...